Yingli Secures Order For 12 Solar PV Plants In Chile Worth 146 Megawatts

Photo-illustration: Pixabay

Yingli Green Energy has announced it has secured orders for 12 solar PV projects in Chile worth 146 megawatts for which it will provide Engineering, Procurement, and Construction services.

One of the world’s leading solar panel manufacturers with over 15 gigawatts worth of solar panels delivered all around the world, Yingli Green Energy (also known as Yingli Solar) announced on Tuesday that it had secured an agreement from Latin American-focused independent power producer Jenner Renewables to provide Engineering, Procurement, and Construction (EPC) services for 12 ground-mounted PV plants in Chile which, upon completion, will boast total capacity of 146 megawatts (MW).

Jenner Renewables achieved financial close on the 146 MW portfolio of Chilean solar projects only last week, which will be built in two phases — a 46 MW phase expected to reach commercial operations in the third quarter of 2018, and the remaining 100 MW to reach commercial operations by the first quarter of 2019. The projects are expected to displace 120,000 tonnes of CO2 per year and produce 324 gigawatts worth of electricity each year, which is enough to power the equivalent of more than 43,000 Chilean households.

“As an independent power producer operating throughout Latin America, we are very excited to contribute in such a significant way to the development of renewable energy in Chile,” said Jorge Calvet, Founder and CEO of Jenner. “This country is at the forefront of implementing a carbon free electricity system by 2040 and our projects definitely support this strategy. This is part of our renewable energy pipeline of 1,500 MW, which we intend to develop over the next 3-4 years in Chile, Mexico, Colombia, Argentina and other countries in the region.”

The 12 solar PV projects are set to be located throughout the Sistema Interconectado Central (SIC) region of Chile, and will be supported by the Chilean Small Distributed Generators’ (PMGD) pricing mechanism. The PMGD is supposed to only apply to sub-9 MW projects — and a quick reference to your age-old times tables will tell you that 146 divided by 12 does not equal 9 (closer to 12.16) — but Jenner Renewables explained that its projects will be able to benefit from the PMGD’s long-term stream of stable cash flow. PMGD projects are expected to be connected to distribution networks so as to bring generation closer to the consumption point, and therefore contributing to Chile’s strategic power system goals.

Yingli Solar has been contracted to provide EPC services for all 12 projects for which it will supply its multicrystalline modules type YL325P-35B.

“We are proud to partner with Jenner Renewables on such a significant project, which is the largest EPC project that Yingli undertook independently,” said Mr. Liansheng Miao, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Yingli. “In addition to focusing on our historical customers, such as EPC contractors and project developers, we are also seeking opportunities in some specific countries or cooperation with some specific partners to provide EPC services, which we believe could bring higher added value to our high quality products and therefore increase our service level.”

Source: cleantechnica.com

