Yesterday at Green Week

ebbdc46d-8b60-4cb4-a0b8-63625917505e_1000Day 1 – Kicking off Green Week 2016!  

Monday focussed on investing for greener cities. People came together across Europe to explore how investing in making our cities more sustainable can make them better places to live for everyone.

Our day started with a welcome message by Commissioner Vella inviting us to join Green Week 2016 discussions from wherever we are. In Ljubljana, the European Green Capital for 2016, the city’s Mayor, Zoran Janković, and Daniel Calleja Crespo, Director General of DG Environment, launched Green Week together. We then saw some real life examples of how ‘thinking green’ can transform urban spaces, before moving on to Amsterdam, where EU Ministers responsible for Urban Affairs signed the Pact of Amsterdam. Other cities from all across Europe, including Essen, Germany, Mikkeli, Finland, and Mollet, Spain, then joined together to share their best green solutions, flooding social media with innovative ideas that can make urban sustainability a reality. 

For detailed information visit site.


