WMO Launches E-Learning Platform for Hazard Alerts

WMO has developed a set of E-learning resources and courses for the Common Alerting Protocol, which is an internationally-recognized standard for dissemination of warnings of extreme weather hazards to the public and to disaster management authorities.

Photo-illustration: Unsplash (Josep Castells)

The Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) is a data format for exchanging public warnings of hazards such as floods, landslides, tropical cyclones, strong winds, drought and heatwaves. It enables an easy, automated transmission of warnings overall communication platforms in order to better reach all users.

The CAP standard is also an important component of the WMO Global Multi-hazard Alert System (GMAS), a platform that WMO is developing for collecting and displaying all warnings issued by authorized sources, on a real time basis. GMAS is expected to markedly improve access to vital warnings information by United Nations organizations that deal with hazards and disasters, globally.

WMO has  made available this new set of CAP E-learning resources and courses offered on the Moodle platform. These resources will enable Members to develop their skills for the implementation of the CAP standard in an easy and cost-effective manner, which is especially important during the COVID-19 era.

The CAP courses and resources provided on the platform are designed to enhance the understanding of CAP, including what CAP is, what it does, how it works, how to issue CAP alerts, and how to manage and set up CAP for NMHSs and other relevant organizations.

Three separate courses are offered within the platform and can be selected based on the role and responsibilities of the participant in administering and maintaining CAP alert systems. In addition to the courses, a collection of free and documented IT resources is also provided.

The courses are self-directed, meaning that participants can follow them at their own pace with all resources and learning activities available online.  A WMO-certified badge will be granted to each participant upon successful completion of a course.

WMO Secretary-General Petteri Taalas has encouraged Members to facilitate NMHS staff to register for the courses.

The CAP platform is accessible at cap.wmo.int

Source: WMO

