WindEurope Debuts Daily Wind Power Monitor

Photo: Pixabay

Wind energy delivered 9.9 per cent of Europe’s power demand on Monday, providing enough electricity for 100 million EU households or 35 per cent of all industrial power demand.

That update was provided courtesy of a new online tool launched this week by trade body WindEurope, which provides daily information on wind’s share of the EU’s power mix as well as data on the capacity factors achieved by Europe’s fleet of wind farms.

The Daily Wind Power Numbers platform also offers information on the daily wind power performance recorded in each EU member state.

For example, Monday saw wind power meet 11.7 per cent of UK power demand, while German wind farms met 9.8 per cent of demand, and Spanish and Portuguese wind power delivered 38 per cent and 39 per cent of their national power mix, respectively.

The platform draws on 13,000 data points pulled together from Transmission System Operators, power exchanges, Eurostat, and WindEurope statistics.

In addition to providing information on wind power’s daily share of the power mix it also offers data on hourly wind generation, capacity factors for onshore and offshore wind farms, and the relative performance of member states.

And it provides hourly information on the performance of other power sources within the energy mix, including solar, gas, biomass, hydropower, lignite coal, and hard coal.

WindEurope said the platform would help demonstrate how wind power is always generating somewhere in Europe and how as a “mainstream technology, wind power fully competes with conventional plants”.

“Europe is a global leader in wind energy,” the group said. “Last year wind energy covered 10.4 per cent of EU power demand. And on some days, it covered more than 100 per cent of some Member State’s electricity demand.”


