You are probably familiar with the slight discomfort that arises when you throw cans, plastic bottles or glass jars in the same bin in your home because you know where and how they will end up. It is clear that something can be done in better way, but you just don’t know how. Maybe, full of enthusiasm to set an excellent example for your family, you even collected and sorted recyclable waste, only to realize that you didn’t know where to take it. Thanks to the interactive recycling map of Serbia called Where to Recycle (www.gdereciklirati.rs), you can find information easily with one click on the portal.
Out of a desire to change something in the system, Suzana Obradović created a platform where citizens can find a variety of information about the environment. An important part of this is guidance on where you can leave the sorted waste you have collected.
“I had the desire to do something concrete that would benefit citizens, companies, institutions, and associations. I believe that the right information leads to engagement. The Srda portal and recycling map of Serbia, Where to recycle, originated from that idea. It is a unique interactive recycling map, and the concept was made by our team that created design and IT solutions,” says Suzana, noting that a lot of time and energy was invested in creating this map.

“We did investigative work on the ground. We spoke with local governments, public utility companies, and collection and recycling companies. We mapped Belgrade by walking around the city and listing the locations of recycling containers.”
If you haven’t heard of this map yet, we can confirm that it is easy to use and available on all devices.
“Recycling containers on the streets, recycling bins in shops and public facilities, as well as recycling machines and presses, are marked with blue icons. Collection companies are marked with yellow icons, and recycling centers are marked with green. By clicking on the icon, you have information about the address and what is collected at that location, and if it is a company, there is also a link to the company’s data. In the search box, you can select the type of waste and the local self-government in the drop-down menu. We offer locations for 24 types of waste such as batteries, cans, paper, glass, PET bottles, electronic and electrical waste, textiles, batteries, and vehicles,” explains Suzana.
The map is constantly updated, so that users always have information about new recycling places, location changes, and a newly opened recycling company.
Prepared by: Milica Radičević
Read the story in the new issue of the Energy portal Magazine ENERGETIC EFFICIENCY