What Does Nature Mean to you? NATURE@work Photo Competition Launched

Foto: eea.europa.eu

Nature works hard to protect us and to sustain our everyday lives — a fact that is often under-appreciated. But it plays a vital role, providing clean air, clean drinking water, clothing, food and raw materials we use to build shelter. Other benefits are not so well known, such as the role nature plays in alleviating the effects of climate change. To highlight the important role nature plays in our lives, the European Environment Agency (EEA) invites you to participate in capturing how nature benefits you through the ‘NATURE@work’ photography competition.

The EEA’s annual photo competition aims to engage with Europeans around different environmental issues and this year’s competition focuses on the benefits we receive from nature. Did you know that green spaces in and around our cities help protect our homes from flooding by absorbing excess flood water, or that trees and urban parks help lower temperatures in urban areas during heatwaves? With its intrinsic beauty and rich diversity, nature is also a source of inspiration not only for art but also for designing machines, homes and many innovation solutions.

The ‘NATURE@work’ photo competition is open to all European citizens over the age of 18 and invites them to submit photographs that illustrate any of the following three themes:
NATUREprovides: Can you capture in a photo the benefits nature makes available that you cherish most?
NATUREprotects: Have you noticed how the nature around you – in the countryside, your town or city, protects you?
NATUREinspires: Can you spot anything around you that was inspired by nature?

The winners in each category above will be awarded a cash prize. All entries may be promoted by the EEA and its partners across Europe. You can submit your photos until 15 August.

For more information visit eea.europa.eu.

Source: eea.europa.eu

