Victoria Approves State’s Largest Windfarm Project

Photo-illustration: Pixabay

Victoria has approved a $650m, 96-turbine windfarm that will be the largest in the state as it bids to become the nation’s renewable energy leader.

The approval of the Dundonnell project means 300 direct and indirect jobs will be created during construction and the turbines will generate 1000 gigawatt hours of clean energy each year. It is enough to power 140,000 homes.

The windfarm will save an estimated 700,000 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions a year – equivalent to removing 170,00 cars from Victorian roads.

“It is a significant investment and part of our proudly aggressive agenda to make Victoria the renewable energy leader of our nation,” the premier, Daniel Andrews, said on Tuesday.

The planning minister, Richard Wynne, said the project was an example of the appetite for investment in renewable energy.

“Windfarms are expected to attract $35bn worth of investment nationally by 2020, which is great for jobs, the environment and protecting our way of life.”

Works for the Dundonnell project are expected to begin within 12 months and it is expected to be up and running in 2019.


