UNIDO supports creation of Mesoamerican Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency

unidoThe General Secretariat of the Central American Integration System (SG-SICA) and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) today announced last week a strategic partnership on the creation of a Mesoamerican Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (MCREEE). During the next months, SG-SICA and UNIDO, with financial support of the Austrian Development Agency (ADA), will execute a consultative preparatory process to assess the added value, feasibility and best technical and institutional design for such a centre. The process will include the development of a needs assessment, consultative workshops, as well as the development of a project document on the centre’s first operational phase. Once established, the technical centre is expected to support the SICA Member States through targeted regional programmes and projects on sustainable energy in the areas of capacity development, knowledge management and exchange, technology innovation, policy and legislation, as well as investment and business promotion. It will also contribute to better technical coordination, donor harmonisation, long-term sustainability of project interventions, as well as the documentation of lessons learned. The centre will become part of the Global Network of Regional Sustainable Energy Centers, a South-South multi-stakeholder partnership, coordinated by UNIDO in partnership with various regional organizations which are already working in other parts of the world, including in Africa, the Pacific and the Caribbean regions.


