The announcement is part of the 2019 ‘Year of Green Action’ aimed at encouraging more people to be involved in projects to improve the natural world.
The UK Government has chosen 50 young people who are involved in green projects across the UK as environment ambassadors.

The announcement is part of its 2019 ‘Year of Green Action’, a year-long drive to encourage more people from all backgrounds involved in projects to improve the natural world.
The #iwill4nature initiative, part of the #iwill campaign which aims to embed social action into the lives of 10 to 18-year olds, was also formally launched yesterday.
Among the environment advocates are two teenage sisters Amy Meek and Ella Meek who founded Kids Against Plastic to reduce single-use packaging – the group will encourage more young people to get involved in green projects through their schools, youth organisations or local communities.
Another teenager Emily McDonald has also been made an ambassador after she founded a Bio-Eco Society at her school, bringing together peers to take positive action against climate change.
Defra Minister Lord Gardiner said: “Our children and young people have a huge role to play in ensuring the next generation is motivated and equipped to protect the precious natural world.
“It was inspiring to meet this group of young ambassadors who are so passionate about environmental protection and I look forward to seeing all they achieve over the coming year.”
Source: Energy Live News