Even if you are not interested in the topics related to sustainable development and energy efficiency, you must have heard of Aspern Seestadt. This completely self-sustaining city gets energy from renewable sources, wind and water, and processes rainwater.
Around 20,000 residents will be housed in this smart city, which has been developing since 2013 near Vienna. All buildings there are made of natural materials and are completely energy efficient.
Such successful projects give sufficient reason to be optimistic about the world moving in a positive direction, sustainable development. However, they often also cause frustration due to the belief that sustainability-based development is reserved only for economically strong countries and enlightened urban communities. However, that is not the case. There have been numerous projects around the world, as well as green ideas in six smaller towns in Serbia, which typically belong to rural areas, were initiated and implemented by young enthusiasts with the support of GIZ in partnership with the Ministry of Mining and Energy and the Ministry of Tourism and Youth of the Republic of Serbia.
In focus:
Thanks to a group of young enthusiasts, a schoolyard in Vlasotince now has a solar bench that serves as a light source, thus improving the safety and usability of the yard in the evening hours. By adding a USB port for charging mobile devices, this bench is also a practical step towards reducing the consumption of electricity generated from non-renewable sources, and it provides a comfortable and safe place where young people like to gather and socialize.
Young people from Donja Stražava, in the suburbs of Prokuplje, now also have a “green“ gathering place. The three students who make up the Foton Group implemented this idea under the auspices of their project called Solar Bench for Sustainable Connectivity – Let the Sun Connect You to the World. Their goal, as well as those of other young people who initiated and implemented the said projects, is to educate the community and animate primarily young people about the importance and potential of renewable energy sources and create a sustainable connection.
“Both young and older people who live in the countryside have fewer opportunities to acquire the knowledge necessary to raise awareness. The Foton Group plans to do as many projects as possible and help people in rural areas and cities acquire the knowledge necessary for our survival“, says Petar Stojanović.

The project, which also has a double positive effect as it reduces the environmental footprint and emissions of harmful gases while encouraging the community to use solar technologies, was initiated and implemented by young people from the village of Brankovina, near Valjevo.
In the schoolyard, they installed a solar information notice board, which serves as an information centre for the local community and, above all, for the students. This project ensures the availability of useful information and contributes to environmental sustainability, as the info-board also contains an integrated solar-powered mobile device charger. Sokobanja is another town that will soon have its solar info-board.
Read the story in the new issue of the Energy portal Magazine SUSTAINABLE ARCHITECTURE AND FINANCING OF GREEN CONSTRUCTION