The Health Center in Kladovo Is About to Become More Efficient

Photograph: CEEFOR

Why is September 22 important to the Britons and dentists? Back in 1955, that was the date when British commercial television started broadcasting. The first paid advertisement it transmitted was a toothpaste commercial (ironically enough, the British are not famous for having the world healthiest teeth).

And what about citizens of Kladovo, a town in the Bor District of eastern Serbia? September 22 is the name of a street where their new community Health centre is located. It is only a part of the municipal complex of healthcare institutions. Its patients and employees will be soon rewarded with more comfortable staying and working conditions.

At the moment, the experts from CEEFOR – Center for Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Development – are working on drafting a technical documentation on energy rehabilitation, adaptation, and reconstruction of buildings of Kladovo Medical centre which will be used as a base to the future project of its renovation. The medical services that are given in both old and new Health centre, as well as General Hospital in Kladovo will be improved and Kladovo citizens will be healed and treated in a more energy efficient environment.*

Photograph: CEEFOR

According to the project task’s description, most objects within this Medical centre are in bad condition. The company CEEFOR was entrusted with a duty of designing the solutions for ameliorating them in favour of their patients and workers.

With successfully accomplished assignments in the field of energy technologies, CEEFOR has reduced not only the costs for its clients but also the negative impact of harmful components that cause the greenhouse effect

 “Healthcare centres throughout our country are mostly in a critical state. The Kladovo Health Center will not be among them anymore. We want to create a more functional environment for doctors and nurses and an atmosphere that will, in both health and illness, appeal to people visiting. In order to achieve this goal, it is necessary to isolate objects better and replace carpentry, linings, floors, tiles, walls, and roofs, and we hope to achieve it”, said Marija Vujanac, the responsible engineer for energy efficiency of buildings.

Photograph: CEEFOR

The CEEFOR team consists of 23 experts with many years of experience in the field of renewable energy and energy efficiency: mechanical, electrical and civil engineers, technology engineers, architects, traffic and fire protection engineers, economic and financial experts and translators.

The Center for Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Development was founded in 2010 and its headquarters are in Belgrade. It has provided more rational energy consumption for many companies. Some well-known products come from their clients’ factories: some of them refresh you when celebrating Patron Saints day (Knjaz Milos), make your life sweeter (Stark and Swisslion – Takovo) and make your lunch more tasty and richer with proteins (Neoplanta). Associate in the field of energy saving for these companies was no one else but CEEFOR.

With successfully accomplished assignments in the field of energy technologies, CEEFOR has reduced not only the costs for its clients but also the negative impact of harmful components that cause the greenhouse effect, which made this company one of the leaders that strive for social responsibility.

The main field of the Center’s activities, hand in hand with those obvious ones – energy efficiency and sustainable development – is renewable energy.

Prepared by: Jelena Kozbasic

*Energy efficiency represents all planned and implemented measures with the aim to use a minimum quantity of necessary energy but with a preserved level of comfort and production rate


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