Wednesday looked at the how to make the investments that we need to ensure a greener future. Participants explored innovative ideas and concrete solutions that already exist to finance green initiatives.
The day started in Brussels with workshops exploring how to improve access to finance for European companies in green sectors and how can we get bankers to finance more environmental projects.
In parallel the Retail Forum brought together retailers and experts to share good practice on moving towards a more circular economy. Attention then shifted to Sweden with a seminar on ‘green bonds’ and their most effective use.
It was then back to Brussels after lunch for a high level discussion, where European Commission Vice-President Jyrki Katainen and Environment Commissioner Karmenu Vella discussed how the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI) can mobilise finance for green projects.
We also revisit some earlier events related to this theme, including a seminar on Tuesday that looked at the crucial role fiscal policies can play in implementing the recent Paris Climate Agreement.
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