The Ellen MacArthur Foundation Launches Circular Cities Network


On 6 October the Ellen MacArthur Foundation hosts the launch event of its Circular Cities Network, a global network of city leaders who are pioneering the application of circular economy approaches to address today’s urban challenges.

In an increasingly urbanised world – 75% of the population is expected to reside in cities by 2050 – cities are facing enormous pressure on resources, but they are also the powerhouses of the global economy, with great potential to lead the transition to a circular economy.

The Circular Cities Network provides an online knowledge exchange platform to support decision and change makers from city authorities, to take action. An initial cohort of representatives from nine cities – Austin, Boulder, Copenhagen, London, Ljubljana, New York City, Peterborough, Phoenix and Rio de Janeiro – will join a quarterly meeting on circular city innovation, via video conference.

This week’s first meeting will include a welcome by Ellen MacArthur, an interactive session with Chris Grantham of leading design agency IDEO, and space for cities to discuss their view on challenges and opportunities in the process of embedding circular economy principles in their planning and operations.


