Research said that solar and wind energy has expanded during the past several years, and now they make up more than 10 per cent of global electricity. When it comes to solar energy, growth is notable, and the global capacity is expected to grow more than double by 2025 and continue in the following years. Balkan is on a good path, however, it will take time for this renewable energy to become an energy mainstay in households in Serbia and, thus, a part of our daily life.
Riccardo Frisinghelli, CEO of Energetik Energija d.o.o., confirms for our Magazine that the growth of solar energy usage is expected to increase in the coming years. As a specialized distributor of photovoltaic material, Energetik Energija d.o.o is expanding and growing each year and only by providing a different approach to clients. Energetik Energija d.o.o., doesn’t just bring products, prices, or readyto-stock availability but also a human approach, where all the clients and potential ones are listened to and understood, after which the company can suggest solutions to customers easily.
EP: The company Energetik Enerija d.o.o. was created due to 20 years of experience and enthusiasm in the energy and renewable energy field. What can you offer your clients today?

Riccardo Frisinghelli: What Energetik Energija d.o.o., offers to all its customers, wherever they are in the world, is that we don’t just sell products. We’re not just a product list and availability. To be a specialized distributor of photovoltaic material like we are, having availability and prices that are appropriate to the market is part of the DNA of a company, and I don’t see it as something special. What I see as something special is a company’s approach, actively listening to the customer and understanding their needs to design the technological solution together. That’s why I believe Energetik Energija d.o.o. doesn’t just bring products, prices, or ready-to-stock availability. To be the right supplier for photovoltaic installers around the world, it’s not enough to have ready-made materials and prices. We must demonstrate what’s behind the availability, study the markets to understand what products to have ready, listen to our partners to understand when they need them and try to anticipate their needs. Having a full warehouse has never been a characteristic that Energetik Energija d.o.o. boasts about. But having a ready warehouse with products based on our customers’ forecasts is. The customer feels understood by us, my colleagues are always available to listen, and no one waits for more than 24 hours for an answer because we know that speed is essential. Time is not a variable; it’s a factor in the business operation. The installers who turn to us need quick answers and the product only when they can go to install it. With Energetik Energija d.o.o., that’s exactly what happens. You’re heard, we find the solution together, and when you must go on the roof, your product will be in the warehouse ready for you. That’s what Energetik Energija d.o.o. does: we listen, learn, and once we’ve learned, we suggest solutions to customers. The technological solutions that we offer are based on a thorough study of the customer’s needs and the market. That’s why Energetik Energija d.o.o. is constantly looking to improve to be the right partner for photovoltaic installers in Serbia.
EP: You have been in this business for a long time. How fast is the technology in this field advancing? Which segment of progress would you single out in particular?
Riccardo Frisinghelli: I have been working in the photovoltaic industry since 2007, always with leading companies on the market. I started in the Italian market and went through all the challenges, ups and downs, to become an international manager at VP Solar. It is a difficult question because I have witnessed many technological innovations that have changed this market over the years. Undoubtedly, we now live in a completely different world regarding technology. Just think of the big challenges related to storage systems and electric mobility. The production of photovoltaic modules has changed a lot, and the industrial economy of scale has led to the fact that today we have prices that allow everyone to install solar panels on their roofs. However, I still want to believe that, despite very useful incentives to stimulate the market, in addition to increasingly powerful photovoltaic modules, more efficient inverters, larger storage capacities and electric mobility, the real development lies in smart grids where each of us can use electricity as a value that we can exchange and share with our fellow citizens and neighbors. For me, energy sharing is essential in all the proposed technologies. In a network where energy can be shared, we will truly feel like we are all part of a system that is geared towards change.
EP: The use of solar energy in the last few years has been experiencing expansion. How do you see it, and what do you expect from the next years?

Riccardo Frisinghelli: It is, more or less, natural flow. The growth of solar energy usage is expected to increase in the coming years. The adoption of solar energy is followed by technological advancements, decreasing costs and government incentives with different financing for renewable energy, and they result in more than logical growth of the photovoltaic industry. The global solar energy capacity is expected to grow more than double by 2025 and continue to grow in the following years. However, this growth varies from country to region, and Balkan is on a good path. Renewable energy, especially solar energy, is at the centre of the transition to less carbon-intensive energy. The increasing demand for electricity, especially in developing countries, is also expected to contribute to the growth of photovoltaics.
EP: For years, you have been cooperating with the world’s most famous manufacturers and Slovenian companies. Can you tell us more about that?
Riccardo Frisinghelli: As a specialized distributor of photovoltaic components, we are at the center of the supply chain. We are very close to the most reliable and largest manufacturers in the world, both for photovoltaic panels and inverters, both for storage systems and charging stations and mounting systems, but our secret and commitment is to be even closer to the needs of installers because, in the end, the real decision-maker in this field is the installer. The installer has the trust of the end customer, who decides what to install, when to install, and at what price. Over the years, we have become a true and proper supplier partner for all the companies that are now our suppliers and customers. Whether you are a large energy operator or an installer focusing on installing small systems in your city or the countryside, it doesn’t matter. At Energetik Energija d.o.o., you will always find someone who will take care of your needs and provide you with the best advice and products for your system. You will find people who are attentive to your needs and willing to give you your product when you need it at a competitive price and at the address you choose. Energetik Energija d.o.o. doesn’t just want to be a distributor, it wants to be your warehouse, the warehouse for installers so that the installer can only think about selling and installing systems when the time comes.
Interviewed by: Nevena Đukić
Read the story in the new issue of the Energy portal Magazine ENERGETIC EFFICIENCY