Tag: water contamination

PFAS Pollution Is Widespread in Europe but Risks Are Still Poorly Understood

The EEA briefing ‘Emerging chemical risks in Europe — PFAS’ presents an overview of the known and potential risks to human health and the environment in Europe posed by per- and polyfluorinated...

Wonder-Material Graphene Could Prove a Splash for Clean Water

Wonder-material graphene could be used to cheaply and effectively make dirty water clean. That’s the verdict from the National Graphene Institute (NGI) at the University of Manchester and the UK-based filter manufacturer LifeSaver,...

Australia Plans to Dump More Than 1 Million Tons of Sludge in Great Barrier Reef Waters

The Great Barrier Reef faces yet "another nail in the coffin," Dr. Simon Boxall from the National Oceanography Centre Southampton told BBC News Friday.That is because the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park...