6:00 am - 4:00 pm
Tag: waste generation
Clear Opportunities to Decouple Europe’s Waste Generation From Economic Growth
In most European countries and in the EU as a whole, waste generation is growing but at a slower pace than the economy. However, there are no signs that the overall objective...
Two Thirds of World’s Citizens Agree Climate Change Is as Serious as Pandemic
A new Ipsos poll conducted in 14 countries finds that 71% of adults globally agree that, in the long term, climate change is as serious a crisis as Covid-19 is. The survey...
Schneider Electric Boosts its Contribution to Circular Economy Alongside 32 other Major French Companies
AFEP, the French Association of Private Companies, presented its report to Minister Ségolène Royal and Secretary of State Christophe Sirugue, entitled "Circular economy trajectories: 33 companies boost their contribution through 100 commitments”,...