Tag: Victoria

Melbourne Airport Building Largest Behind-The-Meter Solar Power Plant in Australia

This may be a lousy time for the airline industry, but it is the perfect time for Australia’s Melbourne Airport to look to the future. The largest behind-the-meter solar farm in Australia...

Victorian Government Passes 40% By 2025 Renewable Energy Target

The Andrews Labor Government in Victoria, Australia, has successfully passed through the State’s Legislative Council its ambitious renewable energy target of 25% renewable energy by 2020 and 40% by 2025. The southern Australian...

Victoria Sets Australia’s Most Ambitious Renewable Energy Targets

The southern Australian state of Victoria has this week set the country’s most ambitious renewable energy targets of 25% by 2020 and 40% by 2025, at the same time as the government...

Australian Wind Energy Continues To Deliver Record Low Prices

Just three months after Origin Energy stunned the renewables industry with a record low power off-take deal for the 530MW Stockyard Hill Wind Farm in Victoria, AGL Energy has delivered more of...

Melbourne Trams to Be Solar-Powered under Andrews Government Proposal

Building large-scale solar farms in northern Victoria part of plan to reduce state’s net carbon emissions to zero by 2050. Melbourne’s tram network will become entirely solar-powered under a proposal by the Andrews...

Victoria Approves State’s Largest Windfarm Project

Victoria has approved a $650m, 96-turbine windfarm that will be the largest in the state as it bids to become the nation’s renewable energy leader. The approval of the Dundonnell project means 300...