Tag: urban development

Three Ways the United Nations Environment Programme Works to Address Illegal Trade in Wildlife

The world is dealing with unprecedented threats to wildlife. The loss of habitat from farming, mining and new urban developments has dramatically decreased the natural space for wildlife. Add to that the...

More Than Half of Native European Trees Face Extinction, Warns Study

More than half of Europe’s endemic trees are threatened with extinction as invasive diseases, pests, pollution and urban development take a growing toll on the landscape, according to a study.Ash, elm and...

UN Predicts Dire Future for Planet Unless People Change Their Ways Now

Mother Earth got a bad health report from the United Nations this week, and the scientific team that conducted the exam didn’t shirk from delivering the bad news. The word “dire” comes...

Milena Zindovic: Woman in Architecture

On the academic and business trajectory of the Serbian architect Milena Zindovic, in addition to our capital, where she graduated from the Faculty of Architecture in 2007, there are also New York,...

Bumblebees Thrive in Towns more than Countryside

Bumblebee colonies fare better in villages and cities than in fields, research has revealed.Bumblebees are important pollinators, but face threats including habitat loss, climate change, pesticide and fungicide use and parasites. Now...

Fear of Humans Is Forcing Daytime Animals into Night Mode

Thanks to human activity, some daytime animals are switching over to the night shift.Justin Brashares noticed it first in 2013, when he was studying olive baboons in Ghana: during times that humans...