Tag: United Nations

‘Business Unusual’ Must Be the Mantra in Bonn as UN Climate Talks Resume Next Week

As the 2018 climate talks kick off under the auspices of the UN next week, "business unusual" must be the mantra delegations need heard resoundingly in Bonn, said the World Wildlife Fund...

Urban Farming Key in Fight Against Hunger and Climate Change

The urban farms sprouting up and across cities around the world aren't just feeding mouths—they are "critical to survival" and a "necessary adaptation" for developing regions and a changing climate, according to...

New Climate Study: Most Severe Warming Projections Are Now the Most Likely

Global warming, under the notorious "business-as-usual scenario" in which humans go on burning fossil fuels to power economic growth, could by 2100 be at least 15 percent warmer than the worst UN...

World’s Plastic Nightmare May Never End as China’s Demand Set to Soar

First, the good news. On Wednesday, more than 200 countries signed a United Nations resolution to eliminate plastic pollution in our oceans. Now the bad news. China will stop accepting imports of plastic...

UN Decrees Ocean Plastic a ‘Planetary Crisis’

Nations from around the world have agreed a new UN resolution to halt the tide of ocean plastic that scientists warn is poisoning global waters. The agreement acknowledges the urgent need to curb...

St. Petersburg proposal would require solar panels on new homes and major roof repairs

If you're building a new house or putting on a new roof next year, and your place is bigger than 1,100 square feet, then St. Petersburg city officials may require you to...

FRENCH PRESIDENT: If Trump Pulls out of the Paris Agreement, U.S. Climate Scientists Can Go to France

Where U.S. president Donald Trump stands on climate change is no secret, and his administration has already put into effect a number of efforts that clearly demonstrate this. Now, perhaps the biggest...

Ecology Plays Important Part in Serbia-UN Partnership (PHOTOS)

On behalf of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, First Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic and the UN Resident Coordinator in Serbia Karla Robin Hershey, signed today the...

There’s a Bold New Plan to Make Ocean Trash a Thing of the Past

The way things are going now, our oceans will contain more plastic than fish by 2050. An ambitious United Nations campaign aims to stop this from happening. On Wednesday, UN Environment announced its...

France Submits 2050 Emission Reduction Plan to the UN

France has become the fifth country to submit plans to the United Nations detailing how it plans to cut greenhouse gas emissions through to 2050, setting a 75 per cent emissions reduction...

UN Biodiversity Conference Results in Significant Commitments for Action on Biodiversity

Governments agreed on actions that will accelerate implementation of global biodiversity targets, and enhance the linkage of the biodiversity agenda with other global agendas including the Sustainable Development Goals, the Paris Climate...

Solar and Energy Project Financing on Agenda at World Energy Forum 2016

The World Energy Forum 2016 on September 14th, 2016 announced an update to the program agenda and exhibition, focused on ”Securing Energy Access for All”, to be held at the United Nations...

Apply for the 2016 UN-DESA Grant on Energy for Sustainable Development

Powering the Future We Want offers a grant in the amount of one million US dollars to fund future capacity development activities in energy for sustainable development. The Grant is awarded to...

Green Finance is Key to Resolving Climate Change

Climate change is not just an environmental challenge — it is a fundamental threat to development in our lifetime. Without immediate action targeted at emissions reductions by the international community, climate change could result...

UN Secretary-General Invites All Member States to Event on 21 September

United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has invited leaders from all countries to attend a special event on 21 September to deposit their instruments of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession to the Paris...

Solar Power Boosts Food Production & Fights Poverty

We all know that solar power offers myriad health and environmental benefits over traditional energy sources — including reduced emissions and improved air quality — but the social benefits it offers are...