Tag: Turkey

Turkish RES Auctions: Large Projects Face Challenges, but the Solution Lies in Reforms

In 2016, Turkey launched auctions for Renewable Energy Resource Zones (YEKA) to develop large-scale solar and wind projects while simplifying land allocation and promoting domestic production of renewable energy equipment. Although the...

Turkey Launches the Largest Platform for Industrial Decarbonization Investments

To move closer to achieving carbon neutrality, Turkey has launched the Industrial Decarbonization Investment Platform (TIDIP) in Ankara. The platform aims to attract investments worth 5 billion dollars by 2030, resulting in...

UN: Climate Change Leads to Glacier Retreat in the Caucasus

Climate change has left serious consequences in six Caucasus countries, causing glacier retreat and reduction in river flows, according to a new report from the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) published ahead...

EBRD Loans USD 100 Million to Boost Renewables in Turkey

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is extending up to USD 100 million in financing to Adnan Polat Enerji Yatirimi A.S. (APEY) as part of a financing package jointly provided...

EBRD Provides USD 127 Million Loan to Turkey’s Isbank

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is providing USD 127 million in new funding to Isbank for on-lending to women-led businesses and to facilitate Turkey’s transition to a green economy. The...

SEEGAS Sets Out Possible Measures to Mitigate Gas Supply Risks in Case of Russian Gas Disruption

The Energy Community held its fourth South-East European Gas (SEEGAS) Joint Steering Committee meeting in Vienna on 30 June and 1 July. Participants agreed that the risks of a Russian gas supply...

Energy Community Summer School: Applications for 2022 now open!

The Energy Community Secretariat is pleased to launch the call for applications for the 2022 Energy Community Summer School. The Summer School offers a unique opportunity for up to 48 postgraduate students...

From waste to energy: Turkey looks to biomass to achieve “green growth”

Currently, Turkey relies heavily on imported fossil fuels to meet its domestic energy demand. But by embracing the massive growth of its renewable energy market – including biomass and circular waste-free approaches...

Mediterranean Gripped by Extreme Heat, With New Reported Temperature Record

The World Meteorological Organization is seeking to verify a reported temperature of 48.8°C (119.8°F) in Sicily, Italy, on 11 August 2021 and to establish whether this is a new temperature record for...

ENV.NET – Circular Economy and Climate Change 

The third cycle of the project “ENV.net factoring the environmental portfolio for the Western Balkans and Turkey in the EU Policy Agenda” (ref. No. 2017 / 394-372) - ENV.net3 was realized in...

Hydropower Has a Crucial Role in Accelerating Clean Energy Transitions to Achieve Countries’ Climate Ambitions Securely

The growth of hydropower plants worldwide is set to slow significantly this decade, putting at risk the ambitions of countries across the globe to reach net-zero emissions while ensuring reliable and affordable...

Second SEEGAS Stakeholder Meeting Generates Widespread Interest in Boosting Regional Gas Market Cooperation

Gas experts continued their efforts to harmonise views and practices in relation to the development of a common and integrated South East and East European gas market during the second SEEGAS Stakeholder...

How the Platform On Sustainable Finance Will Help Define Our Green Future

With an ever more ambitious global green agenda coming into focus, states, markets, blocs and businesses are working to go carbon-neutral in time to keep world temperature rises from exceeding 2C and,...

Over 200,000 Tonnes of Plastic Leaking Into the Mediterranean Each Year

A new IUCN report finds that an estimated 229,000 tonnes of plastic are leaking into the Mediterranean Sea every year - equivalent to over 500 shipping containers each day. Unless significant measures...

The Black Sea Region’s Renewable Energy Potential on the Agenda

In less than a month the energy community will get together online to discuss the renewable energy potential of the Black Sea countries. The high-level international investment conference Energy Week Black Sea will...

An App Made in Heaven

Fresh Agriculture Technologies is developing software solutions to assist in fruit production. A team of seven people of different professions, from agronomists through developers to economists, contributed to the digitisation of agriculture...