Tag: tsunami

Drawing Disaster-Preparedness Lessons From Tonga’s Volcano

The massive volcanic eruption off the coast of Tonga on 15 January produced a blast hundreds of times the strength of the Hiroshima nuclear explosion, according to NASA. The volcano and subsequent tsunami...

Mangrove Conservation More Valuable Than Ever Thanks to Carbon Trading

When a proven ecosystem restoration method also helps reduce poverty and build economic resilience, governments will often back them as a win-win solution. The UN Environment Programme, the Kenya Forest Service, the Kenya...

Giant Iceberg Threatens Tiny Greenland Village

Add another potential disaster to the climate change hazard list: iceberg caused tsunamis. Residents of the community of Innaarsuit in Greenland were told to move to higher ground after a 100 meter (approximately...

Japan Fukushima Nuclear Plant ‘Clean-Up Costs Double’

Japan's government estimates the cost of cleaning up radioactive contamination and compensating victims of the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster has more than doubled, reports say. The latest estimate from the trade ministry put...