Tag: transport

Conference ‘’Transport and logistics: In the heart of the Economy’’, October 26th in Belgrade

The conference ‘’TRANSPORT AND LOGISTICS: IN THE HEART OF THE ECONOMY’’ will take place on October 26th, 2023, at 10:00 a.m., at the Serbian Chamber of Commerce, Resavska 13 - 15, Belgrade. Structured...


If it seems to you that the development of electromobility in our country looks like a comical situation in which you either have a can or an opener, you are not far...

Autonomous Electric Boats To Begin Trials On Amsterdam Canals

When it comes to reducing the number of vehicles on its roads, Amsterdam has a method that not many other cities can offer — taking to the canals. The city has been using its...

Shift Into The Fast Lane For Smart EV Charging

It is expected that every third vehicle in Europe in the coming period will be environmentally friendly, which is a standard that Serbia aspires to. As a quarter of the EU’s total emissions...

Taking the Pressure off the Water Industry with Digitalization

Traditional water and wastewater utility systems weren’t built for the dramatically changing stresses of climate change and rapid urbanization. Therefore, the risk that ageing infrastructure brings – both in terms of potential...

Time to Decarbonize Transport for a Green, Resilient and Inclusive Recovery

At a time when we face enormous challenges brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, it is heartening to see the world mobilizing as never before to tackle the looming crisis of global...

Motorised Transport: Train, Plane, Road or Boat — Which is Greenest?

Traveling by plane, train or automobile: the most environmentally sound choice may not always be clear. The latest annual Transport and Environment Report 2020 (TERM) addresses the issue assessing the value of...

New Study Shows Socio-Economic Benefits of Weather Observations

Behind every weather forecast, every early warning of life-threatening hazards, and every long-term climate change projection are observational data. A new report published by the World Bank, produced in collaboration with the World...

Renewables at Heart of Reaching Zero Emissions in Industry and Transport

Only seven industry and transport sectors will account for 38% of all CO2 emissions globally in 2050 unless there are significant changes in current approaches. Concerted action beyond planned policies can turn the...

Latin America’s Energy Community Underlines Link Between Energy Transformation and Prosperity

High-level energy and climate decision makers from Latin America and the Caribbean underlined the importance of low-carbon energy policy to securing stable, long-term prosperity across regional economies, during a webinar co-hosted by...

Cities – Where the Fight for a Green Recovery Will Be Won or Lost

Cities are home to 55 per cent of the world’s population, all jammed together cheek-by-jowl. Little wonder, then, that cities are being hit hardest by COVID-19: an estimated 90 per cent of...

Electric Dreams: Green Vehicles Cheaper Than Petrol in the UK

Research shows that over the lifetime of a car electric vehicles work out at around £107 cheaper per year than petrol or diesel equivalents; On average an electric car costs £52,133...

30 Innovative Solutions Show Path to Renewable-Powered Future

Recently, IRENA has published the full series of 30 Innovation Briefs under its Innovation Landscape report. It is the most comprehensive analysis available on innovation priorities that policymakers must address to successfully...

Italy Set to Increase EV Incentives to €10,000 — Are Carmakers Ready?

The Italian government is preparing new fiscal measures to sustain the economic recovery, following months of lockdown at the peak of the coronavirus pandemic. Like in many other countries, particularly in Europe,...

We Need a Total Fossil Fuel Lockdown for a Climate Revolution

Growth in renewable power has been impressive over the past five years. But too little is happening in heating, cooling and transport. Overall, global hunger for energy keeps increasing and eats up...

Daily Global CO2 Emissions ‘Cut to 2006 Levels’ During Height of Coronavirus Crisis

Global restrictions put in place COVID-19 pandemic saw carbon dioxide emissions fall to their lowest level since 2006. The drop was highest in early April, when regions responsible for 89% of...