Tag: the Great Barrier Reef

Social Enterprise Remakes Waste Into Consumer Goods

While working for the decades-old family fashion business, Sissi Chao had an experience that literally took her breath away.“Not long after I started, I started visiting our fabric suppliers,” said Chao. “I...

3D-Printed Coral Mimics Nature

Most of us have heard that coral reefs around the world are dying, largely because of warmer ocean temperatures and the increased acidity of seawater, but few people realize why that is...

Getting Creative with Coral Reef Conservation

This week in Los Angeles, 15,000 people will be attending one of the biggest creativity conferences in the world, Adobe MAX. It’s not the kind of event that is normally associated with...

Great Barrier Reef Outlook Now ‘Very Poor’, Australian Government Review Says

The outlook for the Great Barrier Reef has deteriorated from poor to very poor according to an exhaustive government report that warns the window of opportunity to improve the natural wonder’s future...

Australia Plans to Dump More Than 1 Million Tons of Sludge in Great Barrier Reef Waters

The Great Barrier Reef faces yet "another nail in the coffin," Dr. Simon Boxall from the National Oceanography Centre Southampton told BBC News Friday.That is because the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park...

First Mammal Species Recognized as Extinct Due to Climate Change

A small rodent that lived only on a single island off Australia is likely the world's first mammal to become a casualty of climate change, scientists reported in June 2016. The government...

Last Year Was Warmest Ever That Didn’t Feature an El Niño, Report Finds

Last year was the warmest ever recorded on Earth that didn’t feature an El Niño, a periodic climatic event that warms the Pacific Ocean, according to the annual state of the climate...

Oil Pollution Changes Fish Behaviour

Limiting industrial pollution like petroleum-based oil could be key to preserving ecosystems like the Great Barrier Reef, a new study has found. The world-first research found the presence of the substance caused six...

Climate Change Will Lead to Annual Coral Bleaching, UN-Supported Study Predicts

If current trends continue and the world fails to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, nearly all of the world's coral reefs will suffer severe bleaching – the gravest threat to one of the...

Leonardo DiCaprio Given Rival Invitations to Visit Great Barrier Reef

Scientists and tour operators on the Great Barrier Reef have extended a “non-political” offer to show Leonardo DiCaprio the impacts of coral bleaching, after the Queensland government responded to the actor’s comments...

Maldives Urges Rich Countries to Rapidly Ratify Paris Climate Agreement

Rich countries must ratify the climate change agreement reached in Paris last December, one of the world’s most at-risk nations has warned. Thoriq Ibrahim, environment and energy minister of the Maldives, told the...