Tag: the Eu

Five EU Member State Regulators Confirm Application of Third Package Network Codes on Borders to Energy Community Contracting Parties

The national regulatory authorities of Bulgaria, Greece, Hungary, Poland and Romania have signed a general unilateral declaration on the applicability of all Third Energy Package gas network codes on interconnection points between...

MEPs Must Seize Opportunity to Create over 800,000 Jobs across Europe

Over 800,000 new jobs could be created across the EU if MEPs in the European Parliament’s Environment Committee vote for both an ambitious recycling target and to strongly support the refurbishing and...

Plans for an Electric Car Charging Point in Every New Home in Europe

Car manufacturers welcome plans by the EU to boost the convenience of electric cars by increasing recharging facilities. Every new or refurbished house in Europe will need to be equipped with an electric...

Electric Vehicles Will Help the Shift Toward EU’s Green Transport Future

A large scale roll-out of electric cars on European roads would result in significantly lower greenhouse gas emissions and lower levels of certain air pollutants, according to a European Environment Agency (EEA)...

Planes Need to Stop Existing in a Parallel Universe when it Comes to the Climate Fight

Curbing flight emissions is essential to meeting the Paris pact, but planes are completely absent from the text, face no legal fuel efficiency requirements or limits on CO2 emissions. But all that...