Tag: textile

Circular Business Models and Smarter Design Can Reduce Environment and Climate Impacts From Textiles

The EEA briefing ‘Textiles and the environment: The role of design in Europe’s circular economy’ provides updated estimates of textiles’ life-cycle impacts on the environment and climate. The briefing shows that, compared with...

Textiles EU’s Fourth Largest Cause of Environmental Pressures After Food, Housing, Transport

Consumption of clothing, footwear and household textiles in the European Union (EU) uses annually about 1.3 tonnes of raw materials and more than 100 cubic metres of water per person, according to...

From Bio Waste to SCOBY Packaging

If you’ve ever made kombucha, you’re familiar with the process of using a culture of bacteria and yeast to ferment tea. That culture is called a “scoby” and the process has inspired...

Study Finds New Reason to Ban Plastic: It Emits Methane in the Sun

The proliferation of plastic pollution has led to concerns over its impact on marine life and human health as the toxins it absorbs and emits move up the food chain. Now, a...

Is Your Popcorn Laced With Hormone-Disrupting Chemicals

No one should be exposed to toxic chemicals in their food, particularly children. But that's exactly what the Center for Environmental Health (CEH) found in tests of microwave popcorn bags sold in...

Every Cotton T-Shirt Costs the Environment $3.40

Ma Earth is paying through its nose for the clothing we produce, according to a study that quantifies, for the first time, the price we exact from the ecosystem for our clothing....