Tag: Stuttgart

Green White City

Did you know that the highest tree in the Serbian capital is growing on Zeleni venac? It is not Sequoia sempervirens, Eucalyptus regnans or Picea sitchensis but Stattwerk Biotop – an artificial...

German Luxury Carmakers May Be Looking to Reverse Engineer Tesla’s Model 3

According to a report from Fred Lambert at Electrek, a pair of Tesla Model 3 vehicles have been spotted heading toward Germany, where a team from the competition may attempt to reverse...

German Court Orders Diesel Ban in Bid Tackle Air Pollution

A judge in the German city of Stuttgart has ordered the most polluting diesel cars be banned from entering the city from January 2018 in a bid to curb illegal levels of...

Stuttgart (Germany) to Begin Selective Banning of Diesel Cars during High-Pollution Periods in 2018

The city of Stuttgart in Germany will be home to occasional selective bans of diesel cars during periods of high pollution beginning in 2018, going by a recent announcement from state officials...