Tag: solid waste

Three Ways the US can Act on the Plastic Waste Crisis and Protect our Oceans

An exorbitant amount of plastic waste continues to plague our oceans, threatening marine life and the people who depend on these waters for their livelihoods. An estimated 11 million metric tons of...

Straight to the point

Waste management is a sector that, in addition to improving the environment, has the potential to improve the economy. The authorities increasingly understand the importance and benefits of the “circulation” of the economy. For...

Better Waste Management in Šid

The public utility companies (PUCs) in charge of keeping Šid clean, are now able to do their job more efficiently.  Through the “Enhancing Local Resilience to the Migration Crisis” a $1.3 million...

Sustainable Flight with Biofuels

If the aviation sector were a country, it would be the eighth-largest emitter of greenhouse gases in the world — using planes and helicopters to move people and cargo around the world...