Tag: solar energy

Australian Renewables on Track for 78% by 2030 on Current Trends

If Australia maintains its current rate of solar and wind installations through the next decade, the industry could feasibly account for 78% of the country’s electricity supply along its west and east...

France Bids Adieu to 14 of Its Nuclear Power Stations

French President Emmanuel Macron has said the nuclear-reliant nation will close 14 of its 58 operational nuclear reactors by 2035.The leader added between four and six facilities will be closed by 2030...

New Renewables Cheaper Than Old Coal in Southeast Asia

A new analysis from independent financial think tank Carbon Tracker has concluded that it would be cheaper to build new solar PV and onshore wind capacity in Indonesia, Vietnam, and the Philippines...

A Short Guide to Building a Sustainable Shelter in Nature

Imagine you are on a desert island. You are trying to invoke the image of Bear Grylls in hope for some hint on survival technique, but with no success whatsoever. You have...

Solar Power ‘Will Help Europe Avoid Blackouts’

Sun Investment Group says photovoltaic panels can prove highly effective in covering gaps in supply. Solar power will prove an important technology in stopping power outages across Europe in coming years. That’s the verdict from...

“Cheesy” Solar Charger Kit Empowers Students in East Africa

Playful in its design and highly functional, SunMade Cheese features a charger for flashlights, lighters, radios and even cellphones powered by mere sunlight. The device was developed by YOLK, the solar company...

Portable Solar Panels Could Mean Happy Campers

Link Solar says its technology can be used to replace diesel generators and other polluting energy sources. New portable solar panels have hit the market and are enabling people to generate clean energy on the...

Solar to Become Europe’s Most Competitive Energy by 2030

Solar will become the continent’s most competitive source of energy by 2020.That’s the verdict from Sun Investment Group, which suggests the elimination of the Minimum Import Price (MIP) allowing solar modules to...

Green White City

Did you know that the highest tree in the Serbian capital is growing on Zeleni venac? It is not Sequoia sempervirens, Eucalyptus regnans or Picea sitchensis but Stattwerk Biotop – an artificial...

Facebook Joins 100% Renewable Energy Revolution

Facebook announced Tuesday it will slash greenhouse gas emissions by 75 percent and transition global operations to 100 percent renewable energy by the end of 2020 in efforts to "help fight climate...

50% of Industrial Climate Change Emissions Tied to Fossil Fuel Companies

The Rocky Mountain Institute recently released a report titled Decarbonization Pathways for Mines: A Headlamp in the Darkness, in which it was stated that in 2015, half of worldwide industrial greenhouse gas...

ABB solar inverters on the roofs of “Ikea” company

In the endeavour to assist in meeting of the increasing energy demands worldwide, with the minimal negative environmental effects, ABB Company has created extra values for their customers with flexible and innovative...

UK Summer ‘Wind Drought’ Puts Green Revolution into Reverse

Britain’s long heatwave threw the country’s green energy revolution into reverse and pushed up carbon emissions this summer, leading experts to stress the need for a diverse energy mix.The summer of 2017...

Asia’s First Fully Solar-Powered Drone Lifts Off

In April, a group of students from the Innovation & Design Programme (iDP) at National University of Singapore Engineering developed a quadcopter drone that is powered completely with solar energy, without the...

Solar-Powered Car to Speed into the Sunlight by 2019

A German start-up has launched a series of trials to test its new solar-powered car. Sono Motors’ Sion is an electric vehicle (EV) with one important difference – 330 solar cells built into...

Renewables Powered 88% of Brazil in June

Renewable energy generated 88% of Brazil’s entire demand in June. Clean power sources such as wind, biomass, solar and hydro accounted for 81.9% of Brazil’s installed capacity of energy generation at the time,...