Tag: Singapore

ABB’s Technology in Singapore’s First Dual-Mode Desalination Plant Helps Tackle Water Scarcity in Region

The United Nation’s (UN) World Water Development Report recently stated that nearly six billion people will suffer from clean water scarcity by 2050. So, as we “celebrate” World Water Week, it’s time to...

Tons of toxic microplastics are covering Sri Lanka’s western coastline

Sri Lanka is facing one of the worst environmental disasters in its history after tons of plastic pellets have washed ashore near its capital devastating kilometers of pristine beaches and threatening marine...

Taking the Pressure off the Water Industry with Digitalization

Traditional water and wastewater utility systems weren’t built for the dramatically changing stresses of climate change and rapid urbanization. Therefore, the risk that ageing infrastructure brings – both in terms of potential...

Strong Cooperation and Enabling Policies Can Lead Energy Transformation in Southeast Asia

Meeting future energy demand in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is a high priority in the region. With current indigenous fossil fuel resources incompatible with climate and sustainable development goals,...

How Small States Can Benefit From Innovation

Small states are often disadvantaged by their size, remoteness, and lack of resources. But bring smart city innovation into the equation, and these qualities could become strengths.Small states such as Singapore, El...

3 Reasons Why Singapore Is the Smartest City in the World

It’s official: Singapore is the world’s smartest city. That’s according to a new survey Published by Swiss business school IMD and the Singapore University of Technology and Design - the IMD Smart...

Australian Solar Could Power Singapore Within a Decade

When the 720 km power cable from Norway to the UK made landfall two years ago it was hailed as the longest in the world. Now a Singaporean renewable energy company has...

Malaysia to Send Plastic Waste Back to UK and Other Foreign Countries

The Malaysian Government has ordered several thousand tonnes of imported plastic waste to be sent back to the countries it came from, including the UK and US.Environment Minister Yeo Bee Yin said...

A Record 250,000 People Participated in Veganuary

As you might already know, Earth really needs us to eat less meat. That's why it's so encouraging to hear a record-number of people tried going vegan this January.Organizers behind Veganuary, the...

Asia’s Growing Appetite for Meat Is Causing Problems for the Environment

Asia's growing appetite for meat and seafood over the next three decades will cause huge increases in greenhouse gas emissions and antibiotics used in foods, researchers said on Tuesday. Rising population, incomes and...

Asia’s First Fully Solar-Powered Drone Lifts Off

In April, a group of students from the Innovation & Design Programme (iDP) at National University of Singapore Engineering developed a quadcopter drone that is powered completely with solar energy, without the...

Thailand to Ban Imports of Plastics and E-Waste

Thailand has joined Vietnam and Malaysia in cracking down on the world's trash. Thailand will stop accepting more than 400 types of electronic waste (e-waste), including circuit boards, old TVs and radios,...

The World Wildlife Fund Created a Fake Store to Call Out Singapore’s Ivory Laws

The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) revealed on Tuesday that it is behind Ivory Lane, a fake store that the organization launched to draw attention to Singapore’s ivory laws. While Singapore banned commercial...

Deluge of Electronic Waste Turning Thailand into ‘World’s Rubbish Dump’

At a deserted factory outside Bangkok, skyscrapers made from vast blocks of crushed printers, Xbox components and TVs tower over black rivers of smashed-up computer screens. This is a tiny fraction of the...

Philippines Plans Manhattan-Sized Green City

The Philippines has an ambitious plan to deal with its capital's pollution woes—build an entirely new, sustainable city 75 miles from Manila.The proposed New Clark City will be larger than Manhattan and...

Singapore to Bring in Carbon Tax from 2019

Singapore yesterday revealed plans to introduce a carbon tax that will see large emitters charged for the pollution they release into the atmosphere. The tax rate will start in 2019 at S$5 (US$3.79)...