Tag: Serbia

Bulgaria and Serbia Signed Memorandum of Understanding on Gas Interconnector

Bulgarian outgoing Minister of Energy Temenuzhka Petkova and her Serbian counterpart - Minister of Energy and Mining Aleksandar Antić, inked a Memorandum of Understanding on the project for construction of a gas...

Secretariat Questions Legality of Serbia-Russia Intergovernmental Agreement on Natural Gas Supply

On 12 January 2017, the Secretariat sent an Opening Letter to Serbia in Case ECS-18/16. In its Letter, the Secretariat addressed a 2012 Agreement between the Serbian and Russian governments on the...

Antic: No Plans for Electricity Price Increases

There are no plans whatsoever at this time for electricity price increases, says Minister of Mining and Energy Aleksandar Antic. The priorities of the national electric power company EPS are completely different, Antic...

Environmental Approximation Strategy in the Republic of Serbia

The recently awarded project to EPTISA in consortium with Project Management from Ireland and Environmental Protection Agency from Austria and financed by the EU, will provide assistance with transposition, implementation and enforcement...

REECO Holding named a new management in REECO SRB

REECO Holding  named a new management of the office, responsible for Western Balkans activities in Novi Sad. Ms. Ljiljana A. Milanković, is the new project manager of REECO in Serbia. Plans for 2017...

Belgrade to set up Energy Efficiency Fund

The City of Belgrade will set up an Energy Efficiency Fund by the end of the first quarter of 2017, which will initiate a huge construction project, Mayor of Belgrade Sinisa Mali...

NIS and Betec Sign a Co-Operation Agreement on Developing Geothermal Energy in Serbia

NIS a Serbian energy company and Betec a geothermal development firm in Belgrade have signed a Co-Operation Agreement on developing Geothermal energy in Serbia. The companies will jointly develop geothermal active areas...

Annual Implementation Report 2016: Contracting Parties Put into Action Energy Union Objectives

The Secretariat’s Annual Implementation Report published today outlines the progress achieved by the Energy Community Contracting Parties in implementing the acquis communautaire under the Energy Community Treaty. The current state of implementation...

The World’s First Floating Wind Turbine is in Norway

Norway is one of the most developed countries in the world when it comes to renewable energy sources, the use of oil resources and the profits that the state has of these...

Balkan Countries Unite in a War on Waste

Under the rubric of the Let’s Do It campaign, Albanian and Kosovar activists jointly cleared their border area and the polluted Lake Vermica last April, in a Wombles-style campaign that has involved...

Croatia has biggest rise in wind power in Southeastern Europe

Wind power capacity in 2015 increased 22% in Croatia, the most in the region, as the country added 76.2 MW, data published by the European Wind Energy Association (EWEA) show, SeeNews reported....