Tag: San Francisco

Trees in the City – Plaudits for Sustainable Urban Forestry Trailblazers

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the Arbor Day Foundation announced the first cities to be recognized under the Tree Cities of the World programme, designed to help...

Just 7% of Cities Score ‘A’-Grade on Going Green

A total of 43 cities have scored an ‘A’ rating in a new climate-action ranking published by CDP.This means around only 7% of the 596 cities assessed scored top marks based on...

Cities Around the World Lay the Groundwork for a Zero-Waste Future

Cities around the world are pledging to reduce waste over the next 12 years in an effort to curb global warming and eventually become zero-waste cities. During the Global Climate Action Summit,...

19 Global Cities Commit to Make New Buildings Net-Zero by 2030

The world's most iconic skylines are going green. Nineteen city leaders from the C40 coalition signed the Net Zero Carbon Buildings Declaration on Thursday to ensure all new buildings operate with a...

Starbucks to Ditch Plastic Straws Globally by 2020 to Help Environment

Starbucks will eliminate plastic straws from its stores globally by 2020, in a nod to the growing push for businesses to be more environmentally friendly. The Seattle-based company said on Monday it will...

Lithium-Ion Batteries Are Fast Becoming the Worlds New Oil

For an energy source that's been around for three decades, the lithium-ion battery is only just hitting its stride.It’s worked its way up from primitive cellular phones to cameras and laptops before...

Uber to Boost EV Network With Driver Incentives

 Uber launched a new program to increase access to electric vehicles for drivers and riders, the company announced Tuesday.The "EV Champions Initiative" offers financial incentives to some EV drivers; an in-app feature...

These Toxic Chemicals in Food Packaging Are Getting Into Your Meals

On a busy weeknight, takeout and fast food are easy dinner time solutions. But your family's favorite on-the-go meal may come with a side of toxic fluorinated chemicals.Per- and polyfluoralkyl substances, or...

San Francisco Seeks 100% Electric Bus Fleet by 2035

On Tuesday, the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SF Muni) Board of Directors passed a resolution to begin procuring zero emission battery buses to replace electric hybrid vehicles by 2025, with a...

‘Business Unusual’ Must Be the Mantra in Bonn as UN Climate Talks Resume Next Week

As the 2018 climate talks kick off under the auspices of the UN next week, "business unusual" must be the mantra delegations need heard resoundingly in Bonn, said the World Wildlife Fund...

Jellyfish Chips Are the Future of Junk Food

Jellyfish are not exactly the centerpiece of most people’s ideal meals. The umbrella-shaped animals are slimy, tasteless, and can be extremely poisonous. But a population boom and the need to reduce meat —...

San Francisco’s Air Quality Was As Bad As Beijing’s On Thursday

Those living in the US who want to know how bad it can get as far as air pollution goes, or for that matter what it’s like to live in the cities...

Germany and California Bolster Climate Cooperation as US Backs Off G7 Statement

Germany and California have agreed to bolster their cooperation on tackling climate change, as international criticism continues to mount over the US government's decision to pull out of the Paris Agreement. Just days...

San Francisco’s Rapid Transit Likely Nation’s First to Run on 100% Renewables

Taking public transportation already makes a big difference in reducing your carbon footprint. Now, the San Francisco Bay Area's rapid transit system is reducing its own carbon footprint by committing to 100...

5 Cities Leading the Charge on Climate Action

The sheer number of people who live in cities now and who are expected to move into them in the coming years is startling. Around two-thirds of the world's population is predicted...

Four US Cities Urge Carmakers to Boost Electric Vehicle Production

City mayors from San Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland, and Seattle have released a joint request for US carmakers to step up EV production in order to meet growing demand for electric vehicles...