Tag: renewable sources

Chinese Technology Helps Cuba Build Largest Wind Farm

Cuba aims to become one of the more than 100 countries that will meet their energy demands with renewable sources like wind, water or sunlight by 2050, as experts predict. To reach that...

Miroslav Tadić: The United Nations Strongly Support the Transition of Serbia towards Ecomobility

The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) is helping the transition of the Republic of Serbia through the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which define priority areas of development in the...

California Poised to Hit 50% Renewable Target a Full Decade Ahead of Schedule

Every year, the California Energy Commission releases its Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) report, which gives details about the mix of energy experienced by all utilities within the state during the preceding 12...

Survey: Quarter of Brits More Worried About Climate Change in 2017

After a year which has seen the world hit by a series of devastating weather events and President Trump announce plans to pull out of the Paris Agreement, UK adults are now...

Costa Rica Runs Entirely on Renewable Energy for 300 Days

Costa Rica has charted another clean energy accolade. So far this year, the Central American country has run on 300 days of 100 percent power generation from renewable energy sources, according to...

Microsoft Vows to Cut Emissions 75 Per Cent by 2030

Microsoft has become the latest corporate giant to unveil ambitious emissions reduction goals, publicly pledging to cut greenhouse gas emissions by three quarters by 2030 against a 2013 baseline. The company said the...

IKEA to Help UK Staff and Customers Make Clean Energy Switch

IKEA is planning to launch a new clean energy drive before the end of the year aimed at encouraging staff and customers to switch their household electricity suppliers to those which only...

Italy Sets Sights on 2025 Coal Power Phase-Out

The Italian government today announced its intention to phase-out domestic coal-fired power by 2025 when it formally adopts its national energy strategy next month. The move would see Italy join a growing list...

General Electric Installing First 1,500 Volt Solar Power Plant In Egypt

The first utility-scale solar power facility in Egypt will be provided by General Electric and feature the company’s 1,500 volt inverters. Thanks to a new government-sponsored feed-in tariff policy, Egypt is rapidly...

Kellogg, Estée Lauder, and DBS Bank Join Growing Ranks of RE100 Clean Power Initiative

The global RE100 initiative has added yet more high profile companies to its ranks this week, after Kellogg Company, Estée Lauder, DBS Bank, and Clif Bar & Company all pledged to source...

Capgemini Beats Carbon Reduction Target One Year Early

IT services giant Capgemini has exceeded its carbon dioxide reduction target a year ahead of schedule, with its latest annual CSR report demonstrating how progress is being maintained towards its long-term Science...

Germany Breaks Green Energy Record by Generating 35% of Power from Renewables in First Half of 2017

Germany raised the proportion of its power produced by renewable energy to 35 percent in the first half of 2017 from 33 percent the previous year, according to the BEE renewable energy...

Volvo Ocean Race Team Will Raise Awareness Of Ocean Plastic Danger

A team in this year’s Volvo Ocean Race is dedicated to raising global awareness of danger posed by ocean plastic. The Volvo Ocean Race is one of the premier sailing competitions in...

ANNA BOULOS: Serbia Consumes Only 1/3 of Its Potentials

During the Energy and investments fair in Novi Sad the editorial office of ENERGETSKI PORTAL had a pleasure to attend the exposition of Ms Anna Boulos, the economic counsellor at the US...

US Renewable Energy Provides 19.35% of US Electricity in First Quarter

Ken Bossong of the SUN DAY Campaign sent out an email this week highlighting the latest figures from the US Energy Information Administration’s (EIA) latest Electric Power Monthly. The new report publishes...

Report: All Buildings Must Be Zero-Carbon by 2050 to Hit Climate Targets

The global building industry must prepare for a seismic shift towards low-carbon if the world is to meet global climate targets to keep temperatures at safe levels, a new study released today...