Tag: renewable energy

Wind & Solar + Storage Prices Smash Records

In a new report from Xcel Energy, the company reported unprecedented low bids for wind and solar with storage. Last year, Xcel announced it would close 660 MW worth of coal-fired power...

Siemens Gamesa To Deliver 8-Megawatt Turbines To 500 Megawatt French Offshore Wind Farm

Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy announced this week that it will supply 62 of its new 8-megawatt direct-drive offshore wind turbines to the 500 megawatt Saint Brieuc project in France, bringing the company’s...

‘Cheapest Option’: South Australia Reveals Plan for World’s Largest Solar Thermal Power Plant

The largest solar thermal energy plant in the world is set to be built in South Australia, after the state government declared that it represented the "cheapest option" available. US developer SolarReserve bid...

BNEF: Global Offshore Wind Market to Surge Six-Fold by 2030

The global offshore wind market is set to grow 16 per cent a year through to 2030, delivering a six-fold increase in capacity compared to today's levels, according to the latest analysis...

Germany Had So Much Renewable Energy Over Christmas It Had to Pay People to Use It

People in Germany essentially got paid to use electricity on Christmas. Electricity prices in the country went negative for many customers - as in, below zero - on Sunday and Monday, because the...

44% Wind — Denmark Set New Wind Energy Record In 2017

Numbers have just come out this week from danskenergi.dk, the Danish energy organization whose members support companies in delivering steady green power to the Danes, with an impressive uptime of 99.99% at...

Report: US Records ‘Lowest Renewables Plus Storage Bids’ to Date

The growing attractiveness of the US renewables sector was again underlined last week, as a new analysis detailed how wind and solar projects in Colorado are set to undercut the cost of...

India Plans To Increase Rooftop Solar Subsidy By 5X, To $3.7 Billion

The Indian government is planning to revamp its incentive program for rooftop solar power systems in an attempt to expedite implementation of the capacity across various segments of power consumers. The Ministry of...

Vehicles are Now America’s Biggest CO2 Source but EPA is Tearing Up Regulations

Some of the most common avatars of climate change - hulking power stations and billowing smokestacks - may need a slight update. For the first time in more than 40 years, the...

Indian Insurers Launch Products For Solar Power Sector

With the rapid boom in the solar power market in India, increasing competition, and collapsing tariff bids, Indian insurance companies have launched products to protect lenders as well as developers. HDFC ERGO General...

Using Solar Power As A Political Tool In Armenia

Electrical energy is not just about running refrigerators and recharging cell phones. It can also have political ramifications. Just ask the people of Armenia, who are still trying to move out of...

Tesla’s Massive Australian Battery Responds to Coal Power Outages in Milliseconds

Tesla's massive lithium-ion battery storage facility, which was designed to feed South Australia's unstable power grid, is already proving itself by responding to power outages within milliseconds. The system—the largest of its kind...

UK Clean Energy Records Make 2017 ‘Greenest Year Ever’

This year is set to be the “greenest ever” for the UK, according to data provided by the National Grid. Over the course of 2017, 13 different renewable energy records have been broken. “It’s...

New Solar Energy Law in Indianapolis

A new law that takes effect in just five days could impact solar panel users across the state. Senate Bill 309 takes effect January 1st, 2018. Scott Biggs,with Jefferson Electronic in Indianapolis said...

New Low For India Wind Energy Tariff In 500 Megawatt Auction

The latest onshore wind energy auction in India has yielded the lowest-ever tariffs quoted by project developers. The wind energy auction organized by the state government of Gujarat its power distribution company revealed...

Germany Sets New Renewable Energy Record

Germany has broken another renewable energy record, with clean power providing a third of of the country's electricity in 2017. Preliminary data from the Association of Energy and Water Industries show that renewable...