Tag: renewable energy

Budweiser Brewer Hops Towards Lager Emissions Reductions

AB InBev has signed a 15-year power purchase agreement with Lightsource BP.The brewer of Budweiser in the UK has signed a deal to purchase 100% renewable electricity from solar business Lightsource. Through the 15-year power purchase agreement (PPA), AB...

Renewables Break UK Records for Second Quarter in a Row

Government data shows clean generation made up a record 33.1% of the mix in the third quarter of 2018.Renewable energy’s share of generation has broken UK records for the second quarter in a...

‘Finally Some Good News Out of Washington’: Nation’s Capital to Go 100% Renewable by 2032

Washington, DC made history Tuesday when its council voted unanimously to transition to 100 percent renewable energy by 2032, the Huffington Post reported.The commitment is part of the Clean Energy DC Omnibus Act of 2018, which...

Brazilian Beer-Maker Brews Up Solar Facility

Ambev eventually aims to use only renewable energy sources to supply its operations in Brazil. Latin America’s largest brewer is to build a solar plant to supply clean power to its distribution centres. The facility in...

Australian Renewables on Track for 78% by 2030 on Current Trends

If Australia maintains its current rate of solar and wind installations through the next decade, the industry could feasibly account for 78% of the country’s electricity supply along its west and east...

France Bids Adieu to 14 of Its Nuclear Power Stations

French President Emmanuel Macron has said the nuclear-reliant nation will close 14 of its 58 operational nuclear reactors by 2035.The leader added between four and six facilities will be closed by 2030...

Europe ‘Powers Towards Decarbonisation by 2045’

Europe’s power sector could be fully decarbonised by as early as 2045. That’s according to a new study from Eurelectric, which says the region could beat the 2050 targets set out by the...

Spain Targets 100% Renewable Electricity by 2050

Spain has set out ambitious plans to switch to 100% renewable electricity by 2050. Under the proposals, the government aims to install at least 3GW of wind and solar power capacity every year...

UK Renewable Energy Capacity Surpasses Fossil Fuels for First Time

Renewable capacity has tripled in past five years, even faster growth than the ‘dash for gas’ of the 1990s.The capacity of renewable energy has overtaken that of fossil fuels in the UK...

Glasgow Unveils Plans to Become Scotland’s First Circular City

Glasgow City Council has announced its ambitious plan become the first circular city in Scotland. Its Circular Economy Route Map will focus on cutting food waste and engage with universities and colleges to...

Tidal Energy Firm Makes Waves with Tesla Battery Storage

Nova Innovation claims it has developed the world’s first grid-connected baseload tidal power station.Scottish cleantech firm Nova Innovation is using Tesla batteries with its tidal energy technology to deliver what it claims is the world’s...

New Renewables Cheaper Than Old Coal in Southeast Asia

A new analysis from independent financial think tank Carbon Tracker has concluded that it would be cheaper to build new solar PV and onshore wind capacity in Indonesia, Vietnam, and the Philippines...

Indian Solar Floats to the Top with New Deal

ReNew Power has secured a tender to build a new 3MW facility in VisakhapatnamAn Indian renewable energy company has won a proposal to develop a 3MW floating solar farmin Visakhapatnam.The facility to be...

U.S. Companies Set a New Record on Renewables

 Chalk up another record for renewables, this time in the United States. Local companies there added nearly 4 GW of utility-scale wind and solar capacity by August this year. In so doing,...

Taxing Carbon May Sound Like a Good Idea But Does It Work?

Exxon Mobil is backing a proposal to tax oil, gas and coal companies for the carbon they emit and redistribute the money raised that way to all Americans. It's also giving a...

Blenheim Palace Goes Green with 100% Renewable Deal

The UNESCO World Heritage site will now be supplied with clean electricity from Good Energy. Good Energy is to provide Blenheim Palace with 100% renewable power under the terms of a new deal. The UNESCO...