Tag: renewable energy

COVID-19 Intensifies the Urgency to Expand Sustainable Energy Solutions Worldwide

Despite accelerated progress over the past decade, the world will fall short of ensuring universal access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy by 2030 unless efforts are scaled up significantly, reveals...

Siemens Gamesa Launches 14 MW Offshore Direct Drive Turbine with 222-Meter Rotor

The winds of change have never been stronger, especially when it comes to meeting the world’s needs for clean, renewable energy. Siemens Gamesa’s new SG 14-222 DD offshore Direct Drive wind turbine...

These Countries Are Leading the Transition to Sustainable Energy

The Energy Transition Index 2020 analyzes the energy sectors of 115 countries. Sweden tops the global rankings as the country most prepared to transition to clean energy. COVID-19 could threaten the...

Record Global Carbon Dioxide Concentrations Despite COVID-19 Crisis

Over the past few weeks there have been many reports of localized air quality improvements as the world has locked down to combat the coronavirus pandemic. However, no one should think that...

ESCAP and IRENA Transitioning Asia-Pacific Region Towards Renewables Together

The United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) and the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) will work together to improve access to sustainable energy, bolstering the Asia-Pacific...

Environmentally Conscious Tourists Are Attracted to Eco-Friendly Destinations

If you are a fan of unspoiled nature hidden between the Montenegrin mountains and the Adriatic Sea, surely it must have happened to you, at least once, to be stuck for hours...

IRENA’s Coalition for Action Calls for Green Recovery Based on Renewables

As COVID-19 rapidly devastates communities and livelihoods, effective response measures are urgently needed to address the immediate as well as the longer-term impacts of the crisis. Over 100 leading players in renewable...

Sweden Shutters Last Coal-Fired Generating Plant 2 Years Early

It’s good news when a nation makes plans to rid itself of electricity generated from burning coal. It’s even better news when it does so ahead of schedule. Swedish utility Stockholm Exergi...

Renewable Energy Can Support Resilient and Equitable Recovery

Advancing the renewables-based energy transformation is an opportunity to meet international climate goals while boosting economic growth, creating millions of jobs and improving human welfare by 2050, finds the first Global Renewables...

All for One, CEEFOR for All

The company  CEEFOR was founded in 2010 in Belgrade. At their disposal, customers have a diverse team of more than 20 professionals with many years of work experience - from mechanical, electrical and...

Next Generation Farming With Solar Panels

Solar panels are sprouting on farmland like mushrooms after the rain, but there’s no such thing as a free lunch. If too many solar panels replace too much cropland, there goes the...

Renewables Account for Almost Three Quarters of New Capacity in 2019

The renewable energy sector added 176 gigawatts (GW) of generating capacity globally in 2019, marginally lower than the (revised) 179 GW added in 2018. However, new renewable power accounted for 72 per...

The Investment Case for Energy Transition in Africa

Falling technology costs have made renewable energy a cost-effective way to generate power in countries all over the world, which would drive further development and improved economy. Despite the tremendous efforts that...

Oil Price Volatility Will Give a Boost to Renewables

Everyone loves low prices, but what the business community values most of all is predictability. The recent volatility in global oil markets — spearheaded by a fight to the death between Saudi...

Siemens Gamesa in Deal to Provide Clean Electricity to 240,000 People in Vietnam

Vietnam has some of the best wind resources in Southeast Asia. In an effort to tap the country’s potential and provide more clean energy to the country, Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy will...

Battery Storage Paves Way for a Renewable-Powered Future

Battery storage systems are emerging as one of the key solutions to effectively integrate high shares of solar and wind renewables in power systems worldwide. A recent analysis from the International Renewable...