Tag: Powerwall
Tesla and Australia will Turn 50,000 Homes into a Virtual Solar Power Plant
The state of South Australia has announced that it will create a network of thousands of solar-powered homes, using Tesla solar panels and Powerwall batteries, Reuters reports. Initial phases of the plan...
Tesla Powers Up Pioneering Hawaii Solar Storage Project
Tesla has reportedly completed its first major solar storage project since its $2bn acquisition of SolarCity, underlining the electric vehicle giant's plans to become a major player in the wider clean tech...
Panasonic Investing $256M in Tesla’s Buffalo Solar Manufacturing Plant
Following Tesla’s recent acquisition of SolarCity, the California-based company just scored another big win. Panasonic will invest more than $256 million in Tesla’s New York solar cell factory. The Japan-based electronics company...
Tesla & Panasonic Finalize Agreement To Begin Solar Manufacturing In Buffalo, New York
An agreement has been finalized between Tesla and Panasonic to begin manufacturing solar photovoltaic (PV) cells and modules at Tesla’s new plant in Buffalo, New York, according to a new blog post...
Tesla, SolarCity Merger Approved by Shareholders
Shareholders approved the $2.6 billion bid by Tesla Motors to buy SolarCity, paving the way for the clean energy giant to become a one-stop shop for electric vehicles, rooftop solar and energy...
Tesla’s Boss Elon Musk Unveils Solar Roof Tiles
The Tesla chief executive, Elon Musk, has unveiled new energy products aimed at illustrating the benefits of combining his firm, which makes electric cars and batteries, with solar installer SolarCity.
The billionaire entrepreneur...