Tag: Poland

Electric Buses Put the Big Hurt on Fossil Fuel Companies

Change is a funny thing. You can’t see it, hear it, feel it, or taste it, but one day you look around and suddenly, there it is. Isbrand Ho, managing director for...

The UN Climate Talks Say “Goodbye” to Bonn and “Hello” to Bangkok

May negotiations within the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), held in Bonn, Germany, came to an end. They were imprinted by solving the technical difficulties in preparing the ground...

Report Finds Global Climate Legislation Slowdown Since 2015 Paris Agreement

The place of global climate change legislation has "slowed significantly" since the Paris agreement was formulated in 2015, CBS reported Thursday.This slowdown follows decades of legislative growth, and raises potential concerns about...

Next Week Belgrade Will Become Host to Experts for Renewable Energy Developement and Environment

RENEXPO® WATER & ENERGY, the largest international trade fair and conference program in the region about sustainable energy development, energy efficiency, environmental protection, water management and waste and e-mobility, will be held...

Superfast Charging Heats up in Poland — GreenWay Lands Locations for Stations

Years ago, when we surveyed both EV drivers and potential EV drivers, we found that a critical feature they were looking for in a car was superfast charging. Access to the Tesla...

Katowice (Poland) Is Using Drones To Locate Illegal Emissions Sources

The city of Katowice in Poland has begun using drones outfitted with various air quality sensors as a means of locating illegal emissions sources — and thus as a way of locating...

Statoil Acquires 50% Interest In 1.2 Gigawatt Polish Offshore Wind Farms

Norwegian oil and gas giant Statoil has announced this week it has signed an agreement to acquire a 50% interest in the early phase development of two offshore wind farms in Poland...

Last Saturday, Every Fourth Light Bulb in Europe was Powered by the Wind

As you settled down to watch Strictly Come Dancing last Saturday evening there was a one in four chance your TV was being powered by the wind. Trade body WindEurope confirmed yesterday that...

Polenergia Gains Approval for Second 600MW Baltic Offshore Wind Project

Polish energy firm Polenergia has this week been given the green light by the Gdańsk regional environmental protection authority to develop a second 600MW offshore wind farm in the Baltic Sea. The legally-binding...

Poland Could Derive up to 30% of its Heating from Geothermal Resources

Poland has large untapped potential for utilising geothermal energy. The country estimates that up to 30% of its heating demand could be covered by geothermal heating. According to estimates, geothermal resources in Poland....

Five EU Member State Regulators Confirm Application of Third Package Network Codes on Borders to Energy Community Contracting Parties

The national regulatory authorities of Bulgaria, Greece, Hungary, Poland and Romania have signed a general unilateral declaration on the applicability of all Third Energy Package gas network codes on interconnection points between...

Smog-Fighting Music Academy Proposal Uses an Air Purifier System as Effective as 33,000 Trees

The Polish city of Krakow has some of the worst air pollution in the world. In hopes of improving the city’s air quality, FAAB Architektura proposed a smog-fighting music academy fitted with...

IEA Urges Poland to Clean Up its Energy Sector while Balancing Energy Security, Environment and Affordability Requirements

Poland’s new energy strategy should put the country on a pathway towards a cleaner energy system while strengthening energy security, the International Energy Agency said in its latest review of the country’s...

REECO Holding named a new management in REECO SRB

REECO Holding  named a new management of the office, responsible for Western Balkans activities in Novi Sad. Ms. Ljiljana A. Milanković, is the new project manager of REECO in Serbia. Plans for 2017...

Renewables Continue to Grow in the EU, but Member States Need to Step up Ambition on Energy Savings

The EU Member States have lowered their energy consumption in recent years, despite a slight increase in 2015. At the same time, they use more and more renewable energy. Overall, the 28...

Poland’s New Solar-Powered Bike Path Glows Bright Blue at Night

Poland—home to some of the most bike-friendly cities in the world—unveiled a gorgeous, glowing bike path near Lidzbark Warminski in the Mazury region last week to help nighttime cyclists get from A...