Tag: Poland

Poland Invests €1.4 Billion in Sustainable Mobility Through Three National Programs

The National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management of Poland (NFOŚiGW) announced on March 31, 2025, two new public calls for funding the development of zero-emission vehicle infrastructure. The total budget...

Poland to Produce Energy Offshore

The construction of two substations for Poland's first offshore wind farm was recently completed, marking the beginning of large-scale offshore wind development in Polish waters. Offshore wind farms, located farther from land...

UNESCO Names 18 New Geoparks

UNESCO’s Executive Board has endorsed the addition of 18 sites to the UNESCO Global Geoparks network. This brings the total number of geoparks to 213 in 48 countries. The new geoparks are situated...


According to some estimates, the usage of RES (renewable energy sources) will cover 70–80 per  cent of all humanity’s energy needs by 2050. Although the most important purpose of using RES is...

Five Cities Tackling Air Pollution

Air pollution has been called the most-pressing environmental health crisis of our time, responsible for an estimated 7 million premature deaths every year. Approximately nine in 10 people around the world breathe...

EBRD Lends EUR 43 Million to Taaleri-ENCRO JV for Two Wind Farms in Croatia

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is helping to speed up Croatia’s transition to clean energy by helping to finance the construction of two new wind farms. The bank is extending...

EBRD Invests 5 Million Euros in Lithuanian Green Bond to Accelerate Regional Renewables

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is investing 5 million euros in a 25 million euros Green Bond issued by UAB Atsinaujinančios Energetikos Investicijos (AEI). AEI is a Lithuanian fund and renewable...

EBRD to Acquire Stake in Bulgaria’s Euroins Insurance Group

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) signed an agreement to acquire a minority stake in Bulgaria’s Euroins Insurance Group (EIG), one of the largest independent non-life insurance groups in central,...

Protecting Fragile Marine Ecosystems

This year’s World Environment Day, officially celebrated on 5 June, focuses on ecosystem restoration, an important aspect of a healthy world. The EBRD’s work with the Northern Dimension Environmental Partnership (NDEP) shows...

Volkswagen’s European Factories Up To 95 Percent Powered By Renewables

In 2020. Volkswagen Group increased the share of renewables powering its European factories from 80 percent to 95 percent (year over year/YoY), and 10 of its factories became 100 percent renewably powered. The target...

EBRD and EU Advance Honey Producer’s Development in Moldova

Nestled in the picturesque village of Costești, Moldova, Regina Naturii manufactures and trades jars of delicious natural delicacies. The honey producer may well have borrowed its work ethic from industrious bees in...

Marked Improvement in Europe’s Air Quality Over Past Decade

The EEA’s ‘Air quality in Europe — 2020 report’ shows that six Member States exceeded the European Union's limit value for fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in 2018: Bulgaria, Croatia, Czechia, Italy, Poland,...

How the Platform On Sustainable Finance Will Help Define Our Green Future

With an ever more ambitious global green agenda coming into focus, states, markets, blocs and businesses are working to go carbon-neutral in time to keep world temperature rises from exceeding 2C and,...

EBRD supports green transition of Poland’s electricity producer Tauron

Tauron Polska Energia, one of the largest energy firms in Poland, is moving from fossil fuels to renewable sources of energy with the support of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development...

Over 150 Solaris Electric Buses Now in Poland

Ostrołęka was the leader of this transformation towards electric mobility, as they were the first to order electric buses from Solaris. The first electric buses though appeared in the streets of Jaworzno. Today the fleet of the public transport carrier PKM in Jaworzno...

Which Country Dominates Offshore Wind Market?

New research published by RenewableUK shows the global pipeline of offshore wind energy projects which are operational, under construction, consented or being planned has soared by 30% in the last twelve months...