Tag: poaching

Rhino poaching and illegal trade decline but remain critical threats – new report

Overall rhino poaching rates have declined since 2018, and trade data suggests the lowest annual estimate of rhino horns entering illegal trade markets since 2013, according to a new report by the...

Beyond Tourism – Investing in Local Communities to Protect Africa’s Wild Spaces

For ten years, Dixon Parmuya has guided tourists on bush walks around Amboseli National Park in Southern Kenya. But since COVID-19 swept through Kenya in mid-March, the country’s tourism industry has dwindled,...

Scientists Plan to Flood Black Market with Fake Rhino Horn to Reduce Poaching

Scientists are planning to flood the black market with realistic fake rhino horns made from horse hair in an attempt to reduce illegal poaching.Rhino horn is in demand for a range of...

Free Running Challenge that Enables Users to Compete with a Wild Snow Leopard

Aiming to highlight the need to conserve the world’s endangered wildlife, the UN Environment Programme (UNEP), adidas Runtastic further supported by Internet of Elephants and the Snow Leopard Trust launched a running...

South Africa Gets Go-Ahead to Increase Black Rhino Trophy Hunting

South Africa has won permission to almost double the number of black rhinos that can be killed as trophies after arguing the money raised will support conservation of the critically endangered species.The...

At Least 28 Hippos Found Dead in Ethiopia’s National Park

The bodies of at least 28 hippopotamuses have been found in Ethiopia's national park in the southwest of the country, local media reported Monday. The semi-aquatic mammals died in the Gibe Sheleko...

We Are Eating Large Wild Animals into Extinction

Much of the planet’s megafauna is being driven extinct because of the usual causes: habitat loss and rampant poaching for body parts like horns, bones and tusks.But there is another reason large...

Study: Orangutans Are Facing a Form of Eco-Genocide

If people had been doing this to other people, we’d call it genocide. Yet that’s what people have been doing to Borneo’s orangutans: perpetrating a form of eco-genocide against them. In this...

Online Ivory Trade Perpetuated by Yahoo Japan, Weak Legislation

Yahoo Japan is the single biggest online platform for elephant ivory sales in Japan, according to a new TRAFFIC investigation, which recorded a staggering 4,414 ivory items plus 35 whole tusks for...

Botswana Poaching Spree Sees 90 Elephants Killed in Two Months

Ninety elephant carcasses have been found in Botswana with their tusks hacked off, in what is believed to be one of Africa’s worst mass poaching sprees. Most of the animals killed were large...

UP Project Leads to World’s First Lion Cubs Born Through Artificial Insemination

A lioness at the Ukutula Conservation Center (UCC) and Biobank, in South Africa North’s West province has given birth to two cubs conceived via non-surgical artificial insemination (AI), using fresh semen collected...

Passionate Fisherman in the Struggle for Preservation of Untouched Nature

Twenty years ago, he won the affection of a broader audience with the role of Brando in the television serial “Family Treasure”. Since then, Vojin Cetkovic has shown that he is equally...

The World Wildlife Fund Created a Fake Store to Call Out Singapore’s Ivory Laws

The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) revealed on Tuesday that it is behind Ivory Lane, a fake store that the organization launched to draw attention to Singapore’s ivory laws. While Singapore banned commercial...

Eight of 14 Rhinos Die after Move to Kenyan National Park

Eight out of 14 critically endangered black rhinos have died after being moved to a reserve in southern Kenya, wildlife officials have revealed, in what one conservationist described as “a complete disaster”.Preliminary...

Illegal Ivory Found on Sale in 10 European Countries

Illegal ivory has been found on sale in 10 European countries, contravening international efforts to cut down on the trade which campaigners say encourages the poaching of elephants.The campaigning group Avaaz bought...

Against All Odds, Mountain Gorilla Numbers Are on the Rise

The news coming out of East Africa's Virunga Mountains these days would have made the late (and legendary) conservationist Dian Fossey very happy. According to the most recent census, the mountain gorillas...