Tag: plastic

Old Electronics Could Be More Profitable Than Literal Gold Mines

Forget panning for gold or extracting copper ore. A new study shows that recovering metals from discarded electronics, a process known as urban mining, is far less expensive than mining them the...

Microplastics Found in Fertilisers Being Applied to Gardens and Farmland

Many organic fertilisers being applied to gardens and farms contain tiny fragments of plastic, according to a new study. Widely considered a problem affecting the oceans, this work suggests microplastics may actually be...

‘Great Pacific Garbage Patch’ Sprawling with More Debris than Thought

An enormous area of rubbish floating in the Pacific Ocean is teeming with far more debris than previously thought, heightening alarm that the world’s oceans are being increasingly choked by trillions of...

Glastonbury Festival Set to Ban Plastic Bottles in 2019

Glastonbury festival is to implement a site-wide ban on plastic bottles when it returns in 2019. “It’s an enormous project; it’s taking a lot of time to tackle with all the different...

Ryanair Makes Pledge to Become ‘Plastic Free’ on All Flights by 2023

Ryanair has pledged to become “plastic free” in the next five years, with the airline set to trumpet its relative green credentials as part of its ongoing makeover. The Ryanair chief executive, Michael...

Iceland Supermarket Commits to Eliminating Plastic Within Five Years

Iceland Foods has committed to removing all plastic from its brand-name products within the next five years and replacing it with recyclable materials such as pulp and paper. The UK-based supermarket chain...

Plastic Trash Found in Ocean Animals Living 7 Miles Deep

Plastic trash can really be found on all corners of the Earth—even in the stomachs of deep-sea organisms, according to a new study from Newcastle University in England. Led by Dr. Alan Jamieson,...

The Amount of Plastic Produced in a Year is Roughly the Same as the Entire Weight of Humanity

The former boss of Asda is calling for supermarkets to stop using plastic packaging saying billions of pounds of investment in recycling has failed to resolve the world’s plastic proliferation crisis. Andy Clarke,...

Plastic Nanoparticles Can Accumulate In Fish Brains & Cause Brain Damage, Study Finds

Nano-sized particles of plastic can accumulate in the brains of fish and cause damage and behavioral changes, according to a new study from Lund University. So, yes, despite earlier arguments to the contrary,...

Biodegradable Material Could Replace Most Plastic Used To Wrap & Preserve Food

The world produces about 300 million tons of plastic every year, of which about 10% will end up in the ocean. In the US, about 30 million tons winds up in landfills,...

32nd Annual International Coastal Cleanup Gets Hundreds Of Thousands Of Volunteers Involved Worldwide

The 32nd annual International Coastal Cleanup took place on September 16. Promoted by the Ocean Conservancy, the coastal cleanup began with a small group of volunteers in Texas in 1986 and has...

Plastic-Degrading Fungus Found in Pakistan Trash Dump

We’re filling up the world with plastic, and the material takes up to a millennium to break down in landfills. A group of scientists sought a solution to our plastic problem in...

Volvo Ocean Race Team Will Raise Awareness Of Ocean Plastic Danger

A team in this year’s Volvo Ocean Race is dedicated to raising global awareness of danger posed by ocean plastic. The Volvo Ocean Race is one of the premier sailing competitions in...

David Suzuki: Plastic Pollution Is Choking the Planet

People who deny that humans are wreaking havoc on the planet's life-support systems astound me. When confronted with the obvious damage we're doing to the biosphere—from climate change to water and air...

There’s a Bold New Plan to Make Ocean Trash a Thing of the Past

The way things are going now, our oceans will contain more plastic than fish by 2050. An ambitious United Nations campaign aims to stop this from happening. On Wednesday, UN Environment announced its...

Costa Brews Up Nationwide Coffee Cup Recycling Scheme

Costa has officially launched its new coffee cup recycling scheme in over 2,000 stores across the UK, promising to ensure any paper coffee cup deposited by customers is recycled. The company, which first...