Tag: plastic

Japanese Researchers Develop Plastic That Decomposes in the Ocean Within a Day, Returning Phosphorus and Nitrogen to Nature

Japanese researchers have developed a revolutionary material that is not only an alternative to traditional plastic but is also significantly more sustainable than existing biodegradable materials. A team from the RIKEN Centre...

Larvae as a Solution for Pollution and Sustainable Agriculture

Opinions about insects are often divided, ranging from fear to admiration. Some view them as pests and worthless creatures, while others recognize their crucial role in maintaining healthy and balanced ecosystems. It’s...

Marked Increase in EU Exports of Recyclables in 2023

In 2023, the EU exported 8.5 million tonnes of recyclable products (paper, plastic and glass) to extra-EU countries, a 34 percent increase from 2022 (6.4 million tonnes), while imports dropped by 19...

Innovative “Living Plastic” Decomposes in Just One Week

The fight against plastic pollution is crucial for the protection of natural resources and mitigating the climate crisis. Developing environmentally friendly solutions and reducing the use of plastic in everyday life are...

Why Recycling Is Not Enough to Fight Plastic

How often do we come across the topic of recycling daily? We read about it in the media, see symbols on packaging, and pass by recycling bins on the streets. For some...

New Materials for a New Age

Within technological engineering, one of the narrower disciplines is called materials engineering – an area whose focus is understanding the various characteristics of materials to create new materials with improved properties to...

More Bioplastics for Less Microplastics

Plastic pollution leads to various problems, especially for marine animals, which get injured when they get stuck in or swallow a plastic object. There are also warnings that certain plastic products should...

Earth Day: What is it, When is it and Why is it Important?

Earth Day is an international day devoted to our planet. It draws attention to the environment and promotes conservation and sustainability. Each year on 22 April, around one billion people around the world...

Cooperation Between Sciece and Business for a Sustainable Future

Eight years have passed since the signing of the Paris Agreement, which set the goal of holding the global average temperature increase below 2°C compared to the pre-industrial levels, with the indication...

Eight ways to overcome the waste pollution crisis

Humanity generates between 2.1 billion and 2.3 billion tonnes of municipal solid waste a year. When improperly managed, much of that refuse—from food and plastics to electronics and textiles — emits greenhouse gases...


In its 2024 report „Global Waste Management Outlook - Beyond an Age of Waste: Turning Rubbish into a Resource“, the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) has analysed the relationship that humans have...

Towards sustainability: a look ahead to environmental moments in 2024

The year 2024 will be marked by a number of events and observances with important implications for the environment, biodiversity, and global sustainability. From advancing sustainable nitrogen management to fostering inclusive collaboration...

EU packaging waste generation with record increase

From parcels for online purchases to coffee-to-go cups, packaging is almost everywhere. In 2021, the EU generated 188.7 kg packaging waste per inhabitant, 10.8 kg more per person than in 2020, the...

Why it’s time to say goodbye to the polluting recycling model

Every year, 10 million tons of plastic packaging reach the oceans, which is equivalent to 23,000 Boeing 747 planes landing in the seas and oceans – more than 60 per day, according...

Five tips for living more sustainably

Humanity’s unsustainable consumption and production patterns are placing unprecedented pressure on the planet. From the ubiquity of single-use plastic products and fast fashion to food and transportation choices, lifestyle choices impact human...


You are probably familiar with the slight discomfort that arises when you throw cans, plastic bottles or glass jars in the same bin in your home because you know where and how...