Tag: Petrol

Resalta Begins Third Energy Retrofit Project of the City of Ljubljana

Resalta, Petrol and the City of Ljubljana signed the agreement for the third energy retrofit project of the City of Ljubljana. The project includes 27 municipal buildings, of which 17 will undergo...

Babies in Strollers Breathe Up to 60 Percent More Dangerous Air Pollution Than Adults

Parents might want to think twice before pushing their babies in strollers alongside busy streets.A study published Aug. 10 in Environment International by the Global Centre for Clean Air Research (GCARE) at...

Turning Beer into Fuel

It is commonly accepted that there is an urgent need for sustainable alternatives to fossil fuels for transportation to replace diesel and petrol. One of the most widely used sustainable alternatives to...

Solar To Reach Tipping Point In 2018 & Save 80% In Developing World

A new report from London-based development company Crown Agents has concluded that 2018 will be the year solar hits its commercial tipping point, resulting in a dramatic drop-off in price and making...

Report: EVs Greener than Diesel Even when Refuelled with Electricity from Coal-Fired Power Stations

Electric vehicles are far greener than their diesel and petrol alternatives over their entire lifetime, even when powered using electricity generated with the dirtiest fossil fuels, according to a new report released...

UK Government to Ban New Petrol and Diesel Cars and Vans from 2040

The government will today set out a vision for removing the internal combustion engine from Britain's roads by setting a 2040 date for banning the sale of new petrol and diesel cars...

The City of Ljubljana signed a public-private partnership with the GGE and Petrol consortium for the energy retrofitting of 49 public buildings

At a formal ceremony at Ljubljana City Hall, the City of Ljubljana signed a public-private partnership (PPP) contract with the GGE d.o.o. Petrol d.d, Ljubljana consortium for the energy retrofitting of public...