Tag: Paris Climate Change Agreement

Nature Loss Threatens Global Economy

The ongoing loss of natural spaces, including forests, has become a systemic risk for the global economy, warns a new report from the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and several partners. Over the...

Lorenzo Quinn’s Sculpture ‘Support’ to Warn of Rising Sea Levels at COP25

A 3-meter version of Lorenzo Quinn’s monumental sculpture “Support” is on display at the United Nations Climate Change Conference COP25 in Madrid (2-13 December) to remind participants of rising sea levels that...

Climate Science Informs COP25

The latest climate science from WMO and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is informing negotiations at the annual United Nations Climate Change Conference.The 25th session of the Conference of the Parties...

Donald Trump Says US Could Re-enter Paris Climate Deal

Donald Trump has said the United States could re-enter the Paris climate change agreement – and that he would have taken a “tougher stand” in Brexit negotiations than Theresa May. The US president...

EU Lawmakers Back More Ambitious Renewables, Energy Saving Goals

European lawmakers approved draft measures on Wednesday to reform the power market and reduce energy consumption that envisage more ambitious climate goals, setting the stage for tough talks with reluctant EU member...

China Sitting Pretty To Dominate New Clean Energy Future, Claims IEEFA

With the United States pulling out of the Paris Climate Change Agreement, China has solidified its position as the dominant global clean energy powerhouse in 2017, and is set to lead the...

Atmospheric Methane Levels Rose Rapidly In 2016, Scientists Claim To Not Understand Why

Atmospheric methane levels rose fairly rapidly in 2016, as did atmospheric carbon dioxide levels (which saw the yearly average rise up to 403.3 parts per million), according to a new report from...

Norway’s Arctic Oil & Gas Exploration Plans Stand In The Way Of Achieving Paris Climate Goals, Report Argues

While Norway has something of a reputation internationally as being “progressive” and “green,” the country’s well fed economy and society is largely the result of a highly productive fossil fuel extraction industry. In...

China: ‘All Parties Must Stick to Paris Agreement’

Chinese premier Xi Jinping has urged world leaders not to abandon the historic Paris climate change agreement in a high profile speech today to the World Economic Forum in Davos. In an address...

Day 1 of Climate Talks: We Must ‘Change the Course of Two Centuries of Carbon-Intense Development’

The UN Climate Change Conference in Marrakech kicked off yesterday, just three days after the Paris climate change agreement entered into force. At the opening, Morocco's Foreign Minister and newly-elected COP22 President Salaheddine...

Indigenous Peoples Central to Efforts to Combat Climate Change

Governments must do much more to provide the enabling conditions required for indigenous peoples, local communities, smallholders and their organizations to restore degraded landscapes and achieve climate change mitigation and adaptation in...