Tag: Panama

Fire Strikes Panama’s Thermal Power Plant – Nationwide Power Outage Ensues

During the night between Saturday and Sunday, a malfunction at a private thermal power plant in Panama caused widespread disruptions in the country's electricity supply. The incident occurred when a fire broke...

First Regional E-waste Project in Latin America Comes to a Xlose

Representatives from across Latin America will gather this week to share their experiences of participating in UNIDO’s first-ever regional project on e-waste management. Since its launch in Quito in March 2018, the Global...

Latin America’s Energy Community Underlines Link Between Energy Transformation and Prosperity

High-level energy and climate decision makers from Latin America and the Caribbean underlined the importance of low-carbon energy policy to securing stable, long-term prosperity across regional economies, during a webinar co-hosted by...

Clean Air and Green Jobs in Latin America and the Caribbean Thanks to E-Mobility

The transport sector is responsible for 15 per cent of greenhouse gas emissions in the region. New report calls to prioritize the electrification of public transport, especially when updating old bus...

Central American Sustainable Energy Experts Endorse Plans for the New Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency of the SICA Countries (SICREEE)

The current Costa Rican presidency of the Central American Integration System (SICA) hosted a regional workshop that validated the technical design and institutional set-up of the future SICA Regional Center for Renewable...

Paris Climate Agreement Moves Closer to Entry into Force in 2016 as 60 Countries Accounting for 48% of Emissions Have Joined

The Paris Agreement on climate change moved closer towards entering into force in 2016 as 31 more countries joined the agreement today at a special event hosted by United Nations Secretary-General Ban...

A Look at Samsung’s Environmental Activities Around the World

As the planet faces a growing list of problems, from climate change and pollution to environmental degradation and resource depletion, the preservation and conservation of the environment has never been more significant. Recognizing...