Tag: oil

More than 8 Million People Were Employed Worldwide in the Renewable Sector

A boom in solar and wind power jobs in the US led the way to a global increase in renewable energy employment to more than 8 million people in 2015, according to...

Chemists Find New Way to Recycle Plastic Waste into Fuel

A new way of recycling millions of tons of plastic garbage into liquid fuel has been devised by researchers from the University of California, Irvine and the Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry...

IEA releases Oil Market Report for July

Global oil supplies rose by 0.6 mb/d in June, to 96 mb/d, after outages curbed OPEC and non-OPEC supplies in May, while production was 750 kb/d below as higher OPEC output only...

IEA urges Belgium to take a long-term approach to energy policy

Belgium should adopt a national long-term energy strategy without delay, the International Energy Agency (IEA) said today, stressing that such a plan was required to respond to the challenge of decarbonising the...

Got Denmark envy? Wait until you hear about its energy policies

Back in the early 1970s, Denmark got almost all its energy from imported oil. Then came the oil crisis, which, naturally, had a big impact. Political discussions throughout the '80s resulted in...

With renewable energy sources to cleaner future

The use of renewable energy has become one of the key components of sustainable development after developed countries have recognized the importance of reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Although Serbia has great energy...

IEA releases Oil Market Report for January

Exceptionally mild temperatures in the early part of the winter in Japan, Europe and the United States – alongside weak economic sentiment in China, Brazil, Russia and other commodity-dependent economies – saw...

Sensor network can detect exact location and size of ocean pollution

In the future, when fossil fuels are no longer the leading source of energy around the world and oil platforms aren't pumping oil from beneath the ocean floor, we won't have to...