Tag: offshore wind

Giant 8MW Turbine Delivers First Power From Burbo Bank Extension Offshore Wind Farm

A giant 8MW offshore wind turbine in Liverpool Bay has delivered power to the grid for the first time, chalking up another important milestone for the UK's offshore wind industry. DONG Energy announced...

IRENA: Offshore Wind Could Swell 650 Per Cent by 2030

Powered by falling costs and rapid technology improvements, offshore wind capacity could grow by more than 650 per cent in the next 15 years, according to new research released today by the...

Solar & Wind Cheaper To Replace Coal In UK Than Biomass

A new study has concluded that transitioning to wind and solar power would be a cheaper option for the United Kingdom to replace its coal fleet than using biomass electricity generation. According to...

Massachusetts Sets Offshore Target

Massachusetts has adopted an energy bill that requires utilities to contract 1.6GW of offshore wind power by July 2027. It is the first legislation of its kind that includes a carve-out for offshore...