Tag: nuclear power plants

Ministry of Energy of Romania Announces Cost Reductions in State-Owned Enterprises

The Ministry of Energy of Romania has announced an extensive reform plan for state-owned enterprises in the energy sector, aiming to achieve savings of over one billion lei, approximately 200 million euros,...

Adoption of the Draft Law on Amendments to the Energy Law

The National Assembly of Serbia has adopted the Draft Law on Amendments to the Energy Law, marking a significant step toward fulfilling the country’s obligations to the Energy Community. According to Dubravka Đedović...

Where is Germany Today, One Year After Going Nuclear?

In April last year, Germany abandoned the use of nuclear power after shutting down its last three nuclear power plants. On the anniversary of stopping the use of this energy source, the Fraunhofer...


Sweden is considering lifting the ban on uranium mining, following an investigation by the Ministry of Climate and Economy to determine the changes that are needed when it comes to the law...

Indian Coal Demand Soared 9.1% over Last Year

India’s annual coal demand rose 9.1% during the year ending March 2019. That’s according to India’s Coal Minister, Pralhad Joshi, who said the figure hit 991.35 million tonnes, driven primarily by utilities, which...

France Bids Adieu to 14 of Its Nuclear Power Stations

French President Emmanuel Macron has said the nuclear-reliant nation will close 14 of its 58 operational nuclear reactors by 2035.The leader added between four and six facilities will be closed by 2030...

Construction Delays Make New Nuclear Power Plants Costlier than Ever

The cost of building new nuclear power plants is nearly 20 per cent higher than expected due to delays, a new analysis has found.A new analysis of the history of nuclear power...

France Bans All Fossil Fuel Extraction & Fracking

This is a story that leaves people scratching their heads. The French parliament has passed a new law banning fossil fuel extraction within its borders, or in any of its territories, by...

What Is The Future For Nuclear Power Plants?

With an ever-growing need for power, countries across the globe are constantly looking for the most economical, logical and sustainable solutions to meet demand. At the same time specialist recruiters such as...

Germany Breaks Green Energy Record by Generating 35% of Power from Renewables in First Half of 2017

Germany raised the proportion of its power produced by renewable energy to 35 percent in the first half of 2017 from 33 percent the previous year, according to the BEE renewable energy...

Germany Just Produced So Much Renewable Energy That It Had To Pay People To Use It

Electricity bills are often ludicrously high thanks to our energy-intensive modern world, but every now and then, thanks to the forces of nature, a metaphorical miracle takes place. As reported by Quartz,...