Tag: NOx

Increasing Ozone Pollution In Chinese Cities Raising Mortality Rates, Research Finds

The rising air pollution levels in many of China’s largest cities are having a pronouncedly negative effect on human health there. Though, that much has been known for quite a while now....

London to Upgrade 5,000 Buses to Euro VI Air Quality Standard by 2020

London's 5,000 most polluting buses are to be upgraded to the latest Euro VI emission standard by 2020 under a new retrofit programme announced yesterday by the city's Mayor, Sadiq Khan. Under the...

38,000 People a Year Die Early Because of Diesel Emissions Testing Failures

The global human health impact of the diesel emissions scandal has been revealed by new research showing a minimum of 38,000 people a year die early due to the failure of diesel...

Theresa May Admits Air Pollution is One of UK’s Gravest Health Risks

Theresa May has admitted the full scale of the UK's air pollution crisis, in a letter acknowledging poor air quality is the fourth biggest health risk for the British public after cancer,...