Tag: Norway

Over 11 Billion Euros for Strengthening Europe’s Wind Energy Supply Chain

A favorable trend in strengthening the European industry that manufactures wind power equipment is being recorded across Europe. More than 30 European factories are currently expanding or under construction. New production lines...

ESG Standards as the Foundation of a Sustainable Future

In the world of business and investment, the acronym ESG – representing Environmental, Social, and Governance standards – has become a key determinant for assessing a company’s sustainability. ESG standards are not...

Strategies for Planet Preservation

Norway, a country known for its stunning natural beauty, rich cultural heritage, and very high standard of living, stands out with its high level of education, strong commitment to environmental protection, and...

Norway: 9 Out of 10 Cars Sold in 2024 Were Electric

Norway continued to lead the transition to electric vehicles in 2024, achieving an impressive 89 percent share of electric cars among all newly registered passenger vehicles. According to the Norwegian Road Information Authority...

World Cleanup Day 2024

On 8 December 2023, the United Nations General Assembly, in its seventy-eighth session, unanimously adopted resolution 78/122 “World Cleanup Day”, which proclaims 20 September as World Cleanup Day. The resolution invites all Member...

For the First Time, Electric Cars Outnumber Gasoline Vehicles on Norway’s Roads

Norway has confirmed its leadership in the global transition to electric vehicles, as recent statistics demonstrate. For the first time in history, the number of electric cars has surpassed the number of...


Seabed mining is the process of extracting minerals from the deep sea. Hundreds, even over 1,000 metres below the surface of the water, there is cobalt, nickel, zinc, copper, lead, lithium and...

Norway Has Key Opportunities to Advance its Transition and Help Lead the World on Clean Energy Technologies

As a resource-rich country on the leading edge of many clean energy technologies, Norway is uniquely well placed for the clean energy transition and now needs to advance strategies to tackle emissions...

The Right Time For Women’s Entrepreneurship and Initiatives

That morning, Aleksandra Lazović Lønningen threw away the expired food package again. In her home in Norway, in front of an open refrigerator, she thought about how much money was wasted in...

What is the Future of Electric Cars?

Contrary to all expectations, the year 2020, gloomy as was to all, caused so much trouble that we were impatiently waiting to “see it vanish”, yet had one bright spot. Once the...

To Help Serbia Switch To Circular Economy Faster

Nordic Business Alliance is a business association founded with a goal to gather and integrate the Nordic business community in Serbia. Its members are Nordic companies doing business in Serbia, as well...

Energy Community Summer School: Applications for 2022 now open!

The Energy Community Secretariat is pleased to launch the call for applications for the 2022 Energy Community Summer School. The Summer School offers a unique opportunity for up to 48 postgraduate students...

Tesla’s Autopilot Saves Lives, Just Ask This Drunk Driver

Drinking and driving is never, ever recommended, and it’s illegal. However, statistics surrounding the phenomenon would suggest otherwise — it happens all the time. While a new video may not be the front...

Norway At 84,7 percent Plugin EV Share In July – Mustang Mach-E Bestseller

Norway, the world’s leading country in the electric transport revolution, saw plugin electric vehicles take 84,7 percentof new auto sales in July 2021, up from 68,4 percent in July 2020. This is a...

Sharp Decrease in CO2 Emissions of New Cars in 2020

The European Environment Agency (EEA) has published its provisional data about the emissions of newly registered passenger cars and vans in Europe in 2020. For cars, the data show a 12 percent...

MT-KOMEX – Bringing Smart and Easy EV Charging to the Western Balkans

Summary Sustainable transport is slowly but surely gaining ground also in the Western Balkan region. Belgrade-based company MT-KOMEX is building electric vehicle charging network in the region. Thanks to the partnership with Virta,...