Tag: New South Wales

Melbourne Airport Building Largest Behind-The-Meter Solar Power Plant in Australia

This may be a lousy time for the airline industry, but it is the perfect time for Australia’s Melbourne Airport to look to the future. The largest behind-the-meter solar farm in Australia...

City of Sydney Goes 100 percentage Renewable

As of July 1, Sydney, the largest city in Australia, will power all its operations — street lights, sports facilities, buildings, and the historic Town Hall — with 100% renewable energy from...

Koalas Should Be Given Endangered Listing, Environment Groups Say

Koala populations on the Australian east coast have diminished to the extent the species should now be considered “endangered”, environment groups have said, amid concern that existing protection measures have failed to...

In Rooftop Solar’s New Boom, Installing Solar PV Is A No-Brainer

When South Australia Senator Cory Bernardi – committed Conservative and staunch abstainer from drinking “renewable energy Kool-Aid” – confirmed last week he had installed 12kW of rooftop solar at his Adelaide home,...

Climate Scientists Say Likelihood of Extreme Summers Surging Due to Global Warming

New South Wales, which has just experienced its hottest summer on record, is 50 times more likely to experience another similarly hot summer and 10 times more likely to experience extremely hot...

New South Wales Unveils Plan to Reach Zero Emissions by 2050

The New South Wales government has launched an ambitious climate change policy that could see the state achieve zero emissions by 2050. On Thursday NSW’s environment minister, Mark Speakman, released draft plans for...

Historic Day for Australian Solar: 12 new PV Plants Totaling 482 MW Get USD 92 Million Support

Twelve new large-scale solar photovoltaic (PV) plants are set to be constructed across Australia, tripling the amount of energy produced from utility-scale solar. The 12 PV projects totaling 482 MW have been chosen...